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Daniel went wide eyed.

"Me? Pregnant? No way. I don't even have a uterus." Daniel said.

"Yes, I suppose your correct but Daniel." The nurse said. "You have been taking the pills correct?"

"Yes, yes I have." Daniel said.

"Well, those pills Daniel prepare your body for change. Uterus change. Its been changing things Daniel." She said.

Daniel wanted to cry. He wanted to run away. Forget about the latin kings. Forget about Corbyn, Chase, Jonah, Noen, everyone. He wanted to be gone.

"Ma'am" Daniel said. "Its not possible-"

"Maybe its not. However Daniel we believe something is going on. And that something is you being pregnant."

Daniel teared up. "No.."

"Daniel Seavey. You are pregnant." She said.

"No, it cant be. Please no!!" Daniel cried.

Him being pregnant. It was no doubt that Corbyn was the father. Daniel couldnt admit that to himself.

"Abortion!!" Daniel said.

"Illegal." The nurse said.

Daniel sobbed.

"Take your time sir. You wont be able to have the surgery until the baby is born." She said walking out.

Daniel felt lost.

"Chase is gonna kill me and this baby." Daniel sobbed. "No, No god no please." Daniel prayed. "Please No."

Daniel walked out, drying his tears.

Corbyn got up.

"Its been 30 mins are u sure-"

"Shut up. We're leaving." Daniel sniffled.

"Okay?" Corbyn said as he walked back to the car.

"How did it go?"

"Shut up." Daniel said. "Just drive me home." He said.

Corbyn did as told and drove home.

Corbyn parked as Daniel once again hoped off the car, walking in at full speed.

"Hey Dani-" Charli said. But Daniel didn't stop walking until he got to his room.

Get in here

Daniel what is it now?

Get in my room now!!!

Noen got to Daniels room so did Corbyn.

"So your going to talk to him and not me?" Corbyn said.

"Leave me alone!!" Daniel said as he pushed Corbyn out of the room, closing the door in his face.

"Woah, whats wrong?" Noen asked.

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