The truth

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Daniel froze as Noen looked at him. He knew what that look meant. And it wasnt good.

Last night, Corbyns p.o.v

I was walking around Disney, my fingers interwined with Chases.

I love Disney. And when I say I love, I mean I love.

Chase looked at me and smiled. "Your so cute."

I giggled. "Thanks babe."

I was walking a little more as I noticed Chases tattoo. Strange, he never mentioned it to me before.

"Ooo Chase has a tattoo?!" I giggled. It looked cool.

"Oh this? No big deal." He shrugged.

'No big deal.' Part of me knew that there was something about that tattoo I needed to know about. What was it though?

"Its cool babe." I said.

"Oh.." Chase smirked to himself. I didn't pay any mind to it.

"Want one baby?" He said.

"Like the same one?" I giggled. "A couple tattoo?"

"No, not really since people including Charli and Noen have it too. Its more of a friendship tattoo." Chase said.

"Oh thats so cute." I said.

I saw in Chases eyes that he was excited for me to get this tattoo.

"Great babe. Infact I know of an Tattoo artist right around here. Shall we?" He said.

I hesitated. I felt as if I was committing a crime.

"We shall."

End of p.o.v

"Daniel." Chase said.

"Huh? What?" Daniel said.

"Oh nothing u were just staring at my boyfriend." He said.

"S-Sorry." He said. "Charli, I'll skip breakfast okay?" He said.

"Oh...sure okay thats fine." Charli said smiling.

Daniel smiled as he went upstairs to his room.


"Hm?" Daniel turned around, he almost lost his balance.

"Woah." Jack said worried. "Are you alright?"

"Oh yeah its just these pills im taking for my surgery." Daniel said.

"Surgery? U never metioned-"

"Its so i can get a uterus." Daniel said quickly.

"Oh..." Jack blushed lightly. "Well u looked scared. Really scared."

"Im fine. Thanks though." Daniel smiled as he drank more water to wash down his pill.

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