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Corbyn stared.
"Corbyn?" Chase said. "Whats wrong?"
It wasn't Corbyn Daniel was starring at. It was Charli, who looked stunning in her red dress.
"Im fine" Corbyn said as he smiled at him.
Chase nodded as he looked towards Daniel. "Hey, isn't that-" he was cut off by Jonah Marais running through the crowd bumping into him. It was obvious he had too much to drink.
"Sorry dude" Jonah slurred. And stood up straight looking at Corbyn.
"May I help you?" Corbyn asked
"Wait, your the guy"
"What guy?"
"The one from tiktok"
"Aren't we all from tiktok?"
Jonah turned around
"SEAVEY!!!" He laughed.
Daniel walked over and finally saw the boy.

"C-Corbyn?" He asked
"H-Hi" he sniffled. He was going to cry.

Daniel pulled Corbyn into a hug as Corbyn hugged back.

"Im so glad I met you Corbyn" He said happily crying tears of joy.

"Me too Dani" corbyn said

He met the one person who made him happy. There he was, right there in Corbyns arms.

Not even two seconds pass as Corbyn feels hands pull him away from Corbyn. Charli.

"Who are u?" She asked looking at him up and down.
Corbyn didn't say anything. Charli D'amelio. The girl who he was jealous of, for having a sweet boy to herself.

"Oh so u can't speak?" She spat.
"Babe this is Corbyn..and thats..." Daniel didn't know who Chase was.

"Oh my god Chase!!" She said leaping into his arms.
"Hey Charli" he laughed as he set her down.

'Does everybody know him except for me?' Daniel thought.

Chase looked at Daniel and smiled. Daniel didn't return the smile.

"Im Chase, Corbyns friend" He greeted.

Corbyn smiled. "Hey dani maybe we should-" he was cut off by Charli.

"Oh no." She said "you can stay with Chase while I stay with Daniel. Aka my boyfriend!!"

Corbyn stayed quiet. "S-Sure.."

Daniel was going to say something until a group of people crowded the place, and Daniel was dragged away by Charli.

Chase saw the gloomy face on Corbyn.

"Wanna get drinks? Maybe have some fries? We can dance?"

Corbyn nodded "thanks" he walked off with Chase to the drinking area.
Jonah drowned Corbyn and Chase with a bunch of drinks.

They played games that resulted into Jonah breaking a table.
"Guys it looks so good!!" He slurred.
"Fuck yeah it does!" Chase exclaimed.

Meanwhile, Daniel was looking at Corbyn, at the amout he drank. It was too much.

He went up to the boy. "Corbyn?" He tapped his shoulder.

"What little girl?" He giggled.
"Im not a girl. Also, you need to stop drinking"
"Why?" He said.
"How will u get home?"
"Chase" he giggled again.

Daniel groaned. He wanted nothing more then Chase out of the picture.

"No, now c'mon u need to sleep." Daniel knew this place was a strip club. It was obvious. Poles, dildos, chains, bedrooms upstairs. It felt weird.

Daniel carried Corbyn upstairs.

"Weee!!" Corbyn giggled the whole time.

Even though he was drunk, Daniel found it the cutest thing.

He layed Corbyn on the bed.

"Now sleep Love, you need to rest."
Daniel stood up to leave.

"No!!" Corbyn whined. "Stay"

Daniel smiled as he walked back. He wasn't expecting it. However, Corbyn grabbed Daniel pulling him onto his body.

"Corbyn..stop" Daniel said.
"Why?" Corbyn smiled inoccently.
"Because I said so!!" He got off Corbyn and stood up.

"You sir are sleeping. Period." Daniel said blushing at the begging Corbyn.

"Please?!" Corbyn begged.

"No Corbyn. Go to sleep" he walked out, turning off the lights and closing the door.
Corbyn slept peacefully for a half an hour. Until he felt cold hands underneath his shirt.

Corbyn groaned. "Im sleepy.."

"Shh baby" The person said unbottoning his shirt

Lucky Boys~ DORBYNDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora