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Corbyn felt cold hands up his shirt.
"D-Daniel..?" Corbyn asked.
"Shh baby" The voice said unbottoning Corbyns black botton down.
Corbyn was too tired to react.
"I want Daniel" Corbyn whined. The party was clearly still going.
"Shh" the voice said as they started to kiss Corbyn.

It felt weird. And warm.
"Stop" Corbyn said as he pulled away.
"Who are you?" He asked.
"Shh!! Baby your so cute" The voice said as they undid Corbyns pants, giggles comming out of their mouth.

Corbyn tried to react but he couldn't. He was tied up.

A warm drip of saliva fell on Corbyns member.  Corbyn twisted and turned but there was no escape.

"Please stop please Don't" Corbyn cried. He was raped before but this was just horrible.

The stranger whipped Corbyn.
"Shh!! Or you'll never EVER! see daylight!!!"

With a loud sob Corbyn broke down.
"NO! NO! I DONT WANT IT!!" He cried.

"Well I do, very much" the voice said jerking him off.

Corbyn didn't moan. He wanted to, but it would just make them continue.

The stranger kissed Corbyn. However, Corbyn was able to scratch his or her's neck, sure to leave a mark.

"Oww!!" The voice cried.
"Let me go!!" Corbyn cried. "Please I wanna see Chase. I wanna go back to the hotel!!" Corbyn sobbed.

"NO CRYING!!" The stranger whipped Corbyn once more.

Corbyn screamed. Although, nobody could hear him due to the loud music.
Chase took a nap or two. After he woke up he went to Daniel.
"Hey, have u seen Corbyn?" He asked
"Why?" Daniel said raising an eyebrow. He didn't want Chase in a room with Corbyn. Especially if they were alone.
"I need to make sure hes okay, and besides its late and he must be really sleepy" Chase said worried.
"Hes fine. I should know, Im his bestfriend." Daniel said.
"You sure?" Chase asked.
"Positive, I mean whats the worst that could happen?"
Chase nodded. He didn't know if he could trust Daniel. But the way he knew Corbyn liked him. He knew he should give him at least one chance.
Corbyn twisted and turned, screamed and cried. All the stranger did was hit and yell.

A half an hour later Corbyn had a plan. He broke free from his prison and grabbed the stranger from the shoulders.

"HEY, L-LET GO!! BEFORE I CHOP YOUR DICK OFF!!" they screamed. Corbyn held them down on the bed as he accidentally hit his or her head on the bed.

"OWW!!" they screamed. Corbyn was naked. Although, did it really matter now?

The stranger screamed louder then Corbyn has.

The music from outside the room has lowerd. People started to whisper.

"Daniel is that-" Chase said as Daniel ran up the stairs to the room, bursting the door open.

Next thing Corbyn knows...Daniel Seavey is Standing at the door way along with Chase Hudson and Jonah Marais.

Him ontop of the stranger holding their wrists...naked..and the stranger? Charli D'amelio.
I hope you liked it🙃💘

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