Her Past Part-II( Hospital and Moving Forward)

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Before my mother could reply ,I asked the doctor am I ok doctor?
Is something wrong with me?
Why was he calling my mother outside? Please talk to her in front of me only.

Understanding my dilemma my mother came to my bedside and soothed my hair telling me it was ok and she will be coming right back.
The doctor wanted to discuss the medicines with her that's all.

I could  tell very clearly  that my mom was lieing to me I could see it in her eyes.
But I kept quiet and let her go. 

Once my mother left the room, my father came rushing in and engulfed me in a big hug. He started kissing me all over the face and that's when I started crying clutching my father's shirt.

Shh.. hh don't cry doll everything is going to be alright. He kept rocking me back and forth and soothed my hair with his fingers.
Rubbing my tears away and my dad's I asked my father where was he and he told me he rushed as soon as he could from his work.

Then I asked him a trickier question that had been bugging my mind since I woke up so I asked" Dad how long was I asleep for I mean how long did you admit me in this hospital?"

On hearing my question my dad stood up from my bed and with a shocked face he said to me " don't worry about that sweetheart you just woke up don't take too much stress. "

But I pestered him and asked him again.        " Dad but I want to know and that's when my mother entered and asked my father what I wanted to know?"

My father answered her but telling what I had asked him and my mother gave him a knowing look and nodded her head like she was giving him permission to tell me.

Seeing them both having this sign conversation was leaving me frustrated , so I asked them angrily" can they please tell me what the hell is happening?"

My head was already hurting me.
On seeing my outburst, my mom told me she would tell me everything but first I  needed to have this medicine for my head pain and she handed me a tablet which I took with water.

After having the tablet, and I heard what my mother had to say to me.

She told me how much I remember the night of the incident and although I remembered all the details I refrained from telling her that and I told her that I was attacked by masked men and that I blanked out on the floor bleeding.
Continuing further my mom told me that night when they reached home at 12am they found me bleeding on the floor with all the expensive jewelry and make ney gone from the house. She told me even the house lock was broken.

I knew what had happened I remember that night perfectly like a nightmare running on automode  I knew that the sick bastard of uncle had tried to make  it look  like a robbery and in reality he was the one who had run away with all the money and jewelry.

Yet I did not show any emotions that would give away the truth to my parents and let them continue.

They continued by saying that  seeing me lying there was like a nightmare for them.They thought I was already dead seeing the bad condition I was in and they did not know the extent of the bruises I had on my body nor were they aware of the knife stab.  But luckily when my father checked my pulse and I had a faint pulse so they took me immediately to the hospital. By then my mother was crying badly and my father was consoling her.

They told me the doctors had given up as my condition was very bad and  I myself had given up on the operation table many times having seizures. Although the doctors had managed to stitch my wounds of the stomach and thighs and were successful to stop the bleeding,  my bruises needed time to heal and since my body was already weak and I had hit my head pretty bad I had gone into coma.

My mother explained further that The doctors had given up and did not know when I would wake up and miraculously I had woken up after 3 long years.

She told me In those 3 years she had missed her Graduation and the happiness of becoming an Adult. She was officially 21 years old now.

Hearing that I gasped and had tears in my eyes because that monster had taken 3 precious years away from me. But I was happy to for being alive and thanked the God for that.

After hearing the truth I became really drowsy and my body was shutting down so my mother layed me down carefully on the bed and I slept restlessly  that night knowing that the monster was still on the loose and neither me nor  my family was ever going to be safe.

When I woke up the next day the doctor discharged me from the hospital telling me to do limited movement and to take less stress.  He even have me medicines to eat and  ointments to apply  for my bruises which I needed to put twice a day.

My parents took me home in their car happily knowing that I was alive and in front of them.

On reaching home when my mom opened the door for me I started panicking and did not want to go inside.
Although the house had been cleaned and all the blood had been removed once I entered the house with my mother's help  all the memories of that night started playing in head like a broken record and I started feeling jittery,scared and started shaking.

I started having difficulty in breathing and my my vision had also started becoming blurry with tears falling down my face.
Just as I was about to collapse on the floor my dad catched me and my mom started soothing my hair telling me to take deep breaths. She told me everything was going to be ok. When I looked into her  teary  eyes thats when I started calming down knowing I was home and I had to live for my family.

Slowly but gradually my breathing started going back to normal and I sqeezed my mother's hand hard giving her reassurance that I was going to be ok. She rushed to the kitchen handing me over to my father and bought a glass of water for me to drink. I drank the whole glass gulping it down in one go. I did not realise I was this thirsty.

That was the day my life changed completely  and I started having panic  attacks and nightmares every night.

I became a very  closed person who was always conscious of her body with severe trust issues  as days went on.

Seeing my condition my parents decided that I  needed therapy and could not live in the same house since I was to start applying for University soon and I needed a clean slate for that.

No doctor was able to cure my nightmares and I always flinched when someone came near me or my face and in self defence I used to cover my face  thinking they were there to hurt me.

My parents could not take it anymore and soon they decided to put the house for sale.

As the week went by I applied to many universities in US and finally one day I got a letter at my house telling me that I got admission in  Syracuse  University of Business and School for Music Conservatrium.
I got so happy and went to tell my parents about  the good news.

The next day my parents sold the house but had to stay a week more to complete all the formalities and collect the money.

Whereas I moved to New York where I rented a small cute single story apartment for myself  and I started decorating it to make it more homely and beautiful.

Speaking of homely I did not want to stay with my parents any longer because a) I had become an adult and b) I could not be a burden on them forever.

My parents were cool with my living alone but with one condition that they would also live nearby as in become neighbors so that they could keep an eye on me and the repeat of mishaps do not occur.

I accepted their wish willingly and waited for the week my parents became my neighbors and I get to go to my new University.
I was so happy for the fresh start and just prayed that nobody would damper our happiness again and my past not to mess with my future.

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