"Dude, what's your problem?" Sam asked his older brother
Dean stayed quiet for a bit before turning around to give Sam an answer she wasn't really expecting
"Why do you think I drag you everywhere? Huh? Why do you think we came and got you at Stamford?" Dean says
"Because Dad was in trouble. Because you wanted to find the thing that killed mom."
"Yeah, That, but it's more than that, man. You, me, Darcey and Dad. I mean, I want us to be together again. So does Darcey, especially Darcey, you how har it was for her to go from having two other people who cared for her in her life, to having one? And then that thing happened and she needed her family together more than ever."
Darcey didn't mind that he was talking about her like she was listening, she sat on the bed, hands shaking as she held Grayson who had his eyes closed but wasn't asleep.
"I want us to be a family again."
"Dean, we are family. I'd do anything for you and Darcey, but, things will never be like they way they we're before." Sam says
"It Could be." Darcey says, finally getting her word in.
"I don't want them to be." Sam said.
Darcey felt the tears, and she could see that her twin was holding his back.
"I'm not going to live this life forever. Guys, when this is all over...you're going to have to let me go my own way."


At the warehouse, With Grayson seated comfortably and prepared in the impala parked out side, the Winchester's have made they're way in. Locked and loaded.

As they climbed the empty elevator shaft, Darcey held on as hunch as her weak arms possibly could.
They saw Meg chanting some foreign words to an alter.
Sam was first to climb through the little opening, then Dean, Darcey waited as Dean helped her up.
Sam raises his gun at Meg as Dean and Darcey make their way to the back, Sam soon follows.
Now that they were behind Meg, Dean handing Darcey a gun.

"Guys." Meg suddenly says
"Hiding is a little bit childish, don't you think?"

"Well, That didn't work like I'd planned it too." Dean says

The blond girl turns to face them
"Why don't you come out?" She asks
The Winchester's slowly stand up, still with the guns in they're hands, pointed at her.
She walked forward.
"Sam, this puts a real crimp in our relationship."
" psycho bitch." Darcey says quietly under her breath.
"Yeah, tell me about it." Sam said to her
"So where your little Davea friend?" Dean asked Having enough of the banter.
"Around." Meg answers
"That shotgun's not going to do much good." She says
"Well, don't worry, sweetheart. Shotgun's not for the demon." Dean tells her
"So who is it, Meg?" Sam asks
"Who's coming? Who are you waiting for?" Darcey asked
"You." She tells them

Suddenly, the brother and Darcey are knocked down by a force.

When the Winchester's wake up, they are tied to a pole.
"Hey, Sam? Don't take this the wrong way, but your girlfriend.." Dean starts
"Is a bitch." Darcey finishes

Darcey could feel the slash's on her cheek drip with blood. She could see that her brothers have the same thing.
"Th whole thin was a trap." Sam says "running into you at the bar. Following you here..hearing what you had to say. It was all a setup, wasn't it?" Sam said
"And That the victims were from Lawrence?"
Meg laughed, "doesn't mean anything. It was just to draw you in"

"You killed those two people for nothing." Said Sam
"Baby, I've killed a lot lore for a lot less." She states
"You trapped us. Good for you." Dean says
"It's miller time. Why don't you kill us already?" Darcey asked
"Not very quick on the uptake, are we?" Meg said leaning forward,
"This trap isn't for you."
"It's for Dad." Darcey says realizing their mistake. The brothers look to her, then to Meg.
"I knew you had to be the smart one, you just let these two doorknobs hold you back."
She said to Darcey.
"Well, sweetheart, you're dumber than you look." Dean says "because even if dad was in town, which he isn't..he wouldn't walk into this. He's too good." Dean tells her

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