"Oh, yeah. I've heard of you. Nice, the way you treat your brother like luggage."
"Sorry?" Darcey and Dean ask taken back by the strangers words
"Why not let him do what he wants. Stop dragging him over God's green earth. And your son shouldn't live this way either, she should be in school more. Have a life he wants. That's what a good mother would want."
"Meg. It's all right."
There's a silence, then Dean let's out a whistle. Darcey was fuming.
"Okay. Awkward. I'm going to get a drink now." Dean says and pulls his sister with him.
When the Winchester's walked out of the bar, Darcey was still holding a sleeping Grayson. She was surprised he didn't wake up because of how strong she was holding him.
"Who the hell was she?" Dean asked, clearly upset about what she said to them, and about the fact that it was Sam who said it first.
"I don't really know." Sam answers
"You don't know?" Darcey asked with anger clear in her voice
"I only met her once. Meeting up with her again...I don't know guys, it's weird." Sam says
"And what was she saying? I treat you like luggage and that Darcey wasn't a good mom from being up Grayson like this?" Dean asks "what, you were bitching about us to some chick?"
"I'm sorry guys. It was when Dean and I had that fight..when I was in that bus stop in Indiana. It's not important. "
"Right, you and Dean, why was my name said?" Darcey said not getting why Sam would say that about her.
"Is there any truth to it? Are we keeping you against your will? Do you think Darcey is a bad mom? Her and I practically raised you.." Dean asked
"No, of course not. Now, would your guys listen?" Sam says
"What?" Dean asked and stopped walking.
Darcey did as well.
"I think there's something strange going on around here." Sam tells them
"Tell me about it." The twins said "she wasn't even that into me." Dean says
"No, man. I mean like our kind of strange. Maybe even a lead."
"Why do you say that?" Dean asked
"I met Meg weeks ago...on the side of the road. Now I run into her in some Chicago bar? I mean the same bar a waitress was slaughtered be something supernatural. You guys don't think that's weird?"
"Coincidence. It happens." Dean said
"Yeah, but not to us." Sam says "look, I could be wrong, but there's something about her...that I can't quite put my finger on."
"I bet you'd like to." Darcey mumbles
"Maybe she's not a suspect. You got a thing for her, huh?" Dean says
Sam looks alway and laughs

"Maybe you're thinking a little too much wit the upstairs Brain. Huh Sammy?" Darcey Says as Dean laughed
Ignoring his siblings, he says
"Do me a favour. You guys go Check if there's really a Meg Masters.. from Andover, Massachusetts. And See if you can dig anything up on that symbol on Meredith's floor."
"What are you going to do?" Darcey asked
"I'm gonna watch Meg." Sam says
"Yeah you are." Dean says smiling.
"I just want to see what's what. Better safe than sorry."
"Okay. You little pervert." Dean said and turned.
Before Darcey catches up with Dean, Sam grabbed her arm,
"You know I don't think you're a bad mom, right?"' He says to her.
"Yeah, you were mad, so you said things in anger, I get it." She tells him honestly.
Sure she was upset, and it hurt her feelings, but she couldn't let it ruin her relationship with Sam.
Sam gave her and Grayson a quick hug, Grayson not even stirring awake.
She made her way to Dean.

With the laptop open and papers scattered, Dean and Darcey began researching.
Grayson was sleeping on one of the bed's .
When Dean thought he found something, he picked up his phone and called their brother.
When Sam picked up, Dean put him on speaker so Darcey could hear the conversation. "Hey." Sam said
"Let me guess, lurking outside her apartment?" Dean says
"No." Was Sam's reply, lying
"Yes" he then confessed
"You got a funny way of showing your affection." Darcey told him
"Did you guys find anything on her or what?" Sam asks clearly annoyed
"She checks out." Dean tells him
"There's a Meg Masters in the phone book. We pulled up her high school photo." Darcey says
"Why don't you go knock on her door...and invite her to a poetry reading or whatever it is you do?" Dean said to Sam
"What about the symbol? Any luck?" Sam asks
"I did have some luck. Its... ah, turns out it's Zoroastrian. Very, very old school, like 2000 years before Christ." Dean explained
"It's a sigil for a Daeva." Darcey says
"What's a Davea?" Sam asked
"Translates to "demon of darkness." Dean tells him
"Zoroastrian demons. And they're savage, animalistic. You know, nasty attitudes. Kind of like demonic pit bulls."
"How'd you figure that out?" Sam asked impressed.
"Give me some credit.." Dean said.

Sam Didn't sound convinced at Dean's explanation, "all Right, I called dads friend Caleb. He told us."
"Here's the thing, Daeves...they have to be summoned, conjured." Darcey explained
"So someone's controlling it?"
"Right on the nose Sammy." Darcey says
"From what we gather, it's pretty risky too." Dean says "they tend to bite the hand that feeds them."
"And the arms and torsos." Darcey listed off
"So, what do they look like?" Sam asked
"Nobody seen them for a couple of millennia. Summoning a demon that ancient, someone really knows their stuff. I think we got a major player in town. Now why don't you go give that girl a private strip-o-gram." Dean tells his brother "bite me." Was Sam's reply
"Bite her." Dean said, but was suddenly cut off When Grayson woke up screaming, Darcey rushes over to her son and immediately put him in her lap.
On the phone still, Sam hears his nephew.
"Was that Grayson?" The young uncle asked
Dean turns to his sister who is rocking her son who's in her lap.
Dean sighed
"Yeah." He said
When the brothers hung up, Dean went to his sister and nephew.
"You okay buddy?" Dean asks
With his thumb in his mouth, which Darcey noticed he only did when he was scared or nervous, with his head resting on his moms chest, the small boy nodded
Darcey ribbed his back some more and rocked him, like she did to Sam when he was a baby.
"Want to talk about it?" Darcey asks
"No." Was the child's response.
"Okay. We don't have to talk about it." Darcey said as she got into bed with Grayson cuddling her.


Embrace The Flames // BOok 1 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora