The next morning, at the sheriff's department, Dean was talking to a Officer.
"So, what can we do for you Officer Washington?" She asked
"I'm working a missing persons."
"I didn't know the Jenkins case was being covered by state police." She told Dean.
"Uh, no thing is someone else. Actually it's my cousin and his wife and kid. We were having dinner at this bar last night at this bar by the highway. I haven't seen them since."
"Your cousin have a drinking problem?"
"Sam? Two beers and he's doing karaoke. He was drunk when they were taken." The lady officer walked behind to her desk.
"All right. What's his name?" She asked
"Winchester." Dean said letting him self threw the small bounce back door and sat down.
"Sam Winchester and Darcey Winchester, and Grayson Winchester."
"Like the rifle?"
"Like the rifle." He says
"Samual Winchester. So you know his brother, Dean Winchester, died in St. Louis, and their sister Darcey Winchester, and was Dean was suspected of murder?"
Dean smiled a bit, "yeah, Dean. Kind of the black sheep of the family. Handsome though."
"Uh-huh." She said as she typed
"Well, he's not showing up in current reports."
"Oh, I already have a lead. I saw a surveillance camera out by the highway."
"Uh-huh. County county traffic cam?"
"Right. Yeah. I'm thinking the camera picked up whatever took him. Or whoever."
"Well, I have access to the cam footage down at the county works department." She tells Dean.
"But, well, in the meantime let's do this the right way." She said getting up, "Why don't you fill out a missing persons report...and sit right over here?" And Handing him a clipboard.
"Officer, look, they're family. I kind of look out for them. You got to let me go with you." Dean says

"I'm sorry. I can't do that." She says
"Well, tell me something. Your county has its fair share of missing persons. Any of them come back?" Dean questions
"Sam's my responsibility. And they're all coming back. I'm bringing them back." He tells her


Waking up with a gasp, Sam sits up. He sees his sister huddled in a corner, holding a crying Grayson.
"Hey, hey. Darcey." He says going over to her.
He can see her slightly shaking.
"CC, look at me." Sam says
His older sister looks to him, her red puffy eyes and teared stained cheeks stirs back at him.
His nephew in the same state.
"Darcey, don't worry okay? I'll going to get us out." He told her.
Darcey nodded as she rocked her son back and forth.
Sam stood up, barely standing to his full hight. He shook the cage. When it didn't budge, he looked to over to his side. The guy, who they assume is Jenkins, lyes with side up Against his own cage.

Dean sits waiting for the officer to come back.
"Greg, I think we got something." She says and hands him some papers "these traffic cams take an image every three seconds." She explains "it's part of the Amber Alert program.these images were all taken around the time your cousin disappeared."

Dean looks threw the photos, not seeing anything useful.
"This isn't what I'm looking for."
"Just wait. Wait. The next one." She says
In the picture, a big trailer was driving off.
"This one was taken right after Sam left the bar." She said
"Look at the back end of that thing. Now look at the plates."
"They look new. Probably stolen." Dean says
"So whoever's driving that rust bucket must be involved." She said to him
Suddenly, a car engine screeches and a brown long van drives by.
"Hear that engine?" Dean asks
"Kind of a whining growl, isn't it?" He asks
"I'll be dammed."


Back in the cage, Sam was trying everything to get out. Darcey was still shaking and at the verge of a panic attack.
From the corner she and Grayson was in, she saw the guy in the other cage begin to wake up.
Not using her words, she tapped Sam, who was beside her. "You're alive?" Sam asked the guy.
"Hey, you okay?" Sam asked again
The man stood up. "Does it look like I'm doing okay?" He says
"Where are we?" Says Sam
"I don't know. The County I think. Smells like the county."
"You're Alvin Jenkins, aren't you?" Sam asked
"Wow. I was looking for you."

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