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"Fuck what?" You questioned at the sudden swearing.
JiHyun spared a humoured glance at you, but quickly retreated and turned back to the road due to your snarl. "I think we're in trouble" he breathed through a now worried tone of voice.
At first confused, you looked back, stretching yourself and balancing your hand on the leather seat, which was painted with a bright red light. 
This same bright red light was accompanied by a blue one, and that's when you heard those ear screeching sirens that were so familiar. 

  "What the fuck?!" You cussed expressively, wide eyes at JiHyun who slowly had to pull over to the side of the road. "Are you speeding?" 
"No!- I don't know. I'm sorry okay?" He defended himself, stuttering at  your clenching fists and menacing stare. 
It was already late in the evening, and though you had responded to Jimin's numerous texts, you haven't received anything back, making you wonder if he's left the hotel room already and given up on seeing you. All you needed was to drive to the hotel, barge into your room and apologise to Jimin, and it would be happy ever after. But being questioned by this cop is going to ruin the plan.
You fell back into your seat, tense.

  "Don't worry, I'll get us out of this" JiHyun reassured while you simply rolled your eyes in slight frustration.
"You better or els-" Interrupted by a gentle knock on your window - though it still made you jump in terror - you were facing a bright torch light and a figure, presumably the cop. You slid the window down and the torch light was thankfully brought down in apologies and you were able to adjust your eyes to the simple car light again. 

  "So, what's the rush at this time of day you two?" The middle aged man asked blatantly, examining the two of you with sharp eyes - understandable. 

  "We were just trying to get to my fiancé sir" you added onto the end with respect, as he was still your elder.
"What, is he in New Mexico?" He snorted, pinching a nerve in both you and JiHyun.
Elder asshole per say. 

  "It's an emergency" JiHyun stated, hoping his low and snappy tone would send signals to this officer to leave you two the heck alone.
"It may have been an 'emergency'," He emphasised with his fingers, "but you were going at a 90"
JiHyun shrugged, "90 can be considered turtle speed on this motorway" 
"The sign clearly says 70"  the cop corrected, an underlying tone of worry making you sympathise for him due to his job of basic safety of the community.

  "Ok, I'm sorry." JiHyun shook his hand in the air as if the matter wasn't a priority now, "But, we really really need to be somewhere right now"
"Alright then, let me speed this up for you." The cop said through gritted teeth, "You know the drill, most likely" he muttered under his breath, lifting himself up from resting on the window sill.

  "What?" JiHyun watched the cop disappear from the window, eyebrows furrowed and mouth open.
"Give him your divers license idiot" You hissed, nudging him harshly.
"Okay, okay" He gestured, putting his hands up in defence as you rolled your eyes.
"Might be here" He reached over to the compartment on the your side, moving things back and forth to find the little card with his picture on.
He grunted, "Just a second sir" and continued to scatter things about in the compartment.
The cop, tired of leaning down got up and started staring around the area, seemingly bored.
"Jesus JiHyun how many things have you got in there?" You realised that JiHyun, in terms of cleanliness was the anthesis of Jimin; it made sense with his more laidback personality however. Minutes passed and although JiHyun had checked his pockets and wallet and other little places his drivers license could be hiding, there was nothing in his hand, making you panic with the worry of Jimin.

  You cleared your throat, '"JiHyun-"
"I know, I know I'll find it"
"JiHyun are you sure you even have it?" Knowing JiHyun with his rather large and undefeatable ego, he wouldn't cave in and pay the fine, no matter how small it is to his wages.
"Yes I'm sure" he half snapped, a habit you noticed with Jimin as well when he was constantly questioned. Jimin..
"JiHyun, seriously we-" As you were about to tell JiHyun that even you would pay the fine to just get going as soon as possible, the cop - whom you had actually forgotten about for a moment - leaned down onto your window opening again, calm frustration lingering in his voice.

  "Sir, if you don't have your drivers lisence, I'd like to ask you to step out of the car"
"I know I have it," JiHyun closed the compartment with a significant embitterment, "trust me, okay. It might be in the boot."
"God, JiHyun" you muttered as he quickly got out of the car, opening the light boot, checking there too while the officer slowly walked toward him, obviously not expecting for a drivers license to end up in his hands anytime soon. 

  Closing your door, you pursed your lips, watching JiHyun frantically search around the boot now.
"Sir, please I've been nothing but patient and its taking way too long to find your drivers license"
"No, I know I have it" His head jolted out of the boot, giving the cop a little jump scare. "Please, I promise I have it"

  You sighed at JiHyuns familiar stubbornness, and knew he definitely wasn't gonna let a fine go by him, so you started looking around, making out anything you could in the dark evening to almost night sky.
Maybe something you saw could help your situation right now. Probably not, but it's the only thing you had to do right now.
The only thing other than checking your phone for any hopeful messages from Jimin. 

  You quickly pulled out your phone from your pocket, and was faced with no notification banners from the person you wanted it from. However, not willing to let your hopes down now, you unlocked your phone, checking if there was any missed calls.
But low and behold, there was no little red marker in sight. Your lips fell into a saddened pout, and glancing away, sighing, you hadn't realised your thumb hovering over his contact.
Should I call him? He hasn't even replied to any of my texts..but I know he wants to make it up to me by with JiHyun said. Maybe I should. 
Maybe I will-

  And in that moment, you heard a sweet, joyful resonance in the distance. Glancing up, intrigued, you could spot a little cafe by the warm, yellow lighting illuminating through the large windows. 
At first, you were about to overlook this seemingly useless cafe, but you gathered up a little romantic gesture. So, taking a quick look back at JiHyun to make sure he was still busy, and the cop still bored out of his mind, you confirmed and wandered toward the cafe.

  Entering the cafe, you were hit with this distinct earth-like tone with nature-full decorations like wood panelling, hanging bushes and cute botany scattered around, also accompanied by the dancing wind chimes above you.
  "Hi! Are you still open?" You asked the girl at the counter, walking toward her and you noticed she was sporting a cafe branded apron. It was coloured a - ironically - oak shade.
"Yes, we are! How can I help you?" Her chirped with a smile on her face and you could tell she had a genuinely sweet aura about her that fit in so perfectly with the ambience of the cafe.

  "Do you sell caramel macchiatos?" You asked hopefully. 
"We sure do" 
"Perfect. May I get one to go?" 
"Of course!" She nodded, getting to work on your order right away, seeing as you were the only person here as of now. 
"Thank you" You exhaled in relief, leaning against the counter, satisfied as some good did come out of this predicament. 


  "Oh, you found it?" You asked as you neared JiHyun and the cop who was leaning down on the hood of his car, almost unseeable in the dark sky and without the lights on. 
"Yeah. Was in my back pocket the whole time" He rolled his eyes sheepishly. "Hey, where the hell did you go?" . 

  "Oh, just needed to get something" You gestured at the coffee, holding it up with a little grin on your face. 
"A coffee? Y/n, are you serious?"
"It's not just a coffee. This was the drink I served Jimin when I first met him. He was a right asshole then, but.." You glanced down at the drink, "he definitely appreciated the drink"
"Okay, fine. That is cute. And Jimin 'being a right asshole then', he quoted, "was most definitely true" 
You giggled, enjoying the first time you didn't feel stressed these past few days. JiHyun chuckled, and he opened his mouth to say something, however the cop appeared from behind JiHyun, a strict expression painted on his face. 

  "Sir, this license is expired"

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