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"Look, I'm sorry okay?" The door began shutting on you abruptly as Jimins body dissappeared into the kitchen.
"Hey!" You yelled, pushing the door open quite roughly so it bounced back from it's hinges and you quickly shut it before heading to the kitchen where you found him throwing left over Chinese food onto a plate, back facing you with purpose that he even avoided your unbeliveable gaze when he went to grab a glass of water.

"Will you at least look at me?!" You exasperated and the sound of glass hitting a solid surface banged when his veiny hand smashed the glass onto the counter rather agressively.

"Do you even understand what you just did?" His voice, as deep as the ocean, as cold as ice, as frightening as his hard stare at you, sent chills through your body to the very bone. "Yes," You choked out, "I know I made a mistake and I am so sorry for it"
"Tell me, what were you even doing at that printer?" He disregarded your additional apology and you were caught off guard, lips parting, but silence only came out. "It wasn't even broken, was it" He stated more than questioned like a true detective and you looked off to the side guiltily. "What were you doing at that printer Y/n?" He asked again, taking a step closer to you yet you didn't back away. "I was talking to someone and got lost in the moment-"
You inhaled with half aggravation, half stalling time to think if you should just come up with a random name and lie again, "JiHyun"

His jaw pushed forward and his eyes squinted in the slightest, showing more anger than confusion, "JiHyun? What on earth were you two talking about that made you eight minutes late?" he questioned, spitting out the 't' on late and eight.
"That..doesn't matter" You cursed yourself immediately for involuntarily hesitating because you just know that there are hundreds of accusations in Jimin's brain right now ready to be shot at you.

  "No, tell me. It must have been some striking conversation because you obviously reserved time for it over our meeting" he shot back with much sarcasm and attitude.
"Okay, for the last fucking time, I'm sorry. I don't know what else you want me to say, but you can't keep beating me up over this. God, you're acting like a child!" You threw your hands up, gesturing blatantly as they pointed right to him.

  His face read that of mixed displeasure and surprise and you knew you awakened the beast, "Me?!," he pointed to his chest, "A child? You're the one who's not taking responsibility for losing a big client!"

  Your eyebrows furrowed as you glared straight into his eyes, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN LOSING? WE DIDN'T LOSE THEM"

   You shut up, taking in his sentence with instant regret, thinking that all the burden really should've been on you, before you came to your senses on that, crossing your arms, taking a slow step further to him, "And you think they said that just because of me?" Your head cocked to the side, giving him the coldest expression and deepest tone of voice you could, and you could've swore Jimin panicked for a split second.

  "Well, I have no idea what else it could have been"
"Jesus," you rolled your eyes off to the side, tired by this fight already, "could you open your self centred mind for one goddamn second Jimin and realise that maybe, just MAYBE, it was actually your company this time?!"
"Hm," he hummed nonchalantly, placing a finger on his chin, eyes averted upwards towards the ceiling, "let me try- Nope, no way in fucking hell was this any of my fault," he swore and you realised you had shot him bullseye in his pride spot with the way he somehow looked even more serious than before, leaning into the argument now, "They blew us off all because of little miss tardy pants here"
"You egotistic dickhead," you laughed in disbelief at his nickname for you now, "You wanna know what I was talking about to JiHyun?," It seemed now you two were simply pointing out things to hurt each other with, but it was far too late to go back, "we were talking about how I should've been HIS personal assistant, and how he makes a much better COO than you ever could" you twisted the conversation as to aggravate him.
His lips parted like a growl and his death stare became more prominent. A smug grin was metaphorically plastered on your face when you delighted in your effect on him, regardless of the fact that it was a lie , "FINE WHAT THE FUCK DO I CARE, GO WORK FOR MY BROTHER INSTEAD!" he swatted his hand in the air.

  "Thank god. You weren't even cut out for this job anyway," he muttered under his breath, humouring himself as an evil almost forced looking smirk was plastered on his face, and it really was, not just metaphorically.
You looked up at him through your eyelids, "What did you just say?" Your voice, calm but raised at the same time had a domino effect - though a little altered. "I SAID IT WAS BETTER WHEN YOU WERE A WAITRESS CAUSE AT LEAST THERE YOU DIDN'T MESS SHIT UP FOR ME AND RUIN EVERYTHING. AND YOU KNOW Y/N, YOU WERE RIGHT, YOU WEREN'T CUT OUT FOR THIS JOB ANYWAY, I SHOULD'VE NEVER TRIED TO HELP YOU"

It filled the once booming room of scratched voices from all the yelling. It felt like your senses were heightened with the way you were now able to hear the cars outside, notice and smell the plate of chilly, withered Chinese food from not being heated again, feel your fingertips against your palm as you released your clenched fist, feel the hurt and regret in your heart that will only pile on more as the days went by. Your gaze momentarily lingered on his now relieved face after his rage before travelling down to his chest which expanded with every pant he took.

  "Help?," you spoke up, tinny voiced against nature's sounds. Jimin' softened face looked at you, "you thought you were giving me help?," your face scrunched up with incredulity as you now talked to him, eye to eye, "You realise you gave me no fucking assistance after day one of working there. Sure, maybe I got a short sentence on what to do, but you never taught me in detail so most of the time, I had no fucking idea what I was doing. And yet," you said in tone as if this was a coincidence, "I gave you no trouble whatsoever because I knew how hard you worked anyway, and I thought that if I were to ask for a little direction, it'd be a huge burden to you. I had to learn all that shit on my own, and if that apparently 'ruined everything', then I don't know why I worked there in the first place"
He hesitated, dry lips apart, trying to fathom all that information he was completely oblivious to before. He didn't realise how much you actually learned on your own, and how much you actually never bothered him when he was working, and it made him feel bad, it really did. But he still stood with his own point, which was in fact the centre of this whole argument, "I'm sorry Y/n, I really am and I agree that I should've gave you more guidance and actually helped you," your attitude started to lighten...that is, until he continued, "but at the end of the day everything is ruined. You knew how much this project meant, and all the responsibility and 'burden' is now on me"

You gazed to the side and back up to him with a sharp inhale of breath, "Well what do you want me to do Jimin?" Your wobbly lips moved, stance losing tension.
"I don't know.." he pursed his lips, a habit he rarely, if never did and leaned back against the kitchen counter, staring at your feet with slightly glossy eyes, "What do you want...us to do?," you glanced up at his low head, confused, "Our wedding is in 5 days..." He reminded, indicating how you two are going to continue with your lives working to- or not working together, or maybe not even living together after that huge fight you two needed to heal from and think about.

  You swallowed, "I think..." you took a shaky breath in, "...I think it'd be best if we took a break for a while"
"Yeah..." he whispered painfully, nodding slowly.

𝟙𝟜𝟠𝟝 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤

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