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Day two

God, I wish I could just skip this day now.
I really don't want to see him.
But, am I being a little irrational? Should I apologise..even after what he did?
I just can't believe he's drunk, and he must've had a shit ton of alcohol seeing as he's got a high tolerance.
He's just usually not this..stupid.
Jesus, I want this fight to end already but..I don't know..

You sighed before removing the thin blanket that was supposed to keep you warm this slightly chilly and groggy morning.
Barely getting a wink of sleep with your contradicting thoughts and anxious visits to check that Jimin hadn't thrown up or anything, it's safe to say you needed - at the least - another 3 hours of rest.
But you had no choice as today was time restricted, as well as crucial; and Jimin so happened to be hungover on this normally joyous and relaxed day.

Slamming open the door to your room caused Jimin to jump in sudden fright.
He lay - upright now - on the bed, corner of the fluffy blanket just about on the edge of the bed as his body temperature had risen significantly. So he wore only a pair of shorts you had to dress him in the dreadful night before, as his clothes were strewn across the messy floor.

A tired groan sounded and you ignored it intentionally, continuing to your suitcase on against the wall - not having unpacked yet -  to take out your outfit for the day.
All that was spoken was a deep mutter of, "What happened?" before the door to the bathroom locked shut without a peep from you, heightening Jimin's drunken confusion.
He sat up now - though with some struggle and gazed around him with his tinted red and baggy eyes, trying to familiarise himself with the the hotel room he wasn't unknown to.

You had finished your time in the bathroom and exited, going straight over to the generic wooden closet, hanging up the clothes not in use, and from the corner of your eye you had noticed Jimin was up, rubbing his forehead as his eyes squinted shut.

  Aware that your tight-lipped self was now present in the room, he immediately spoke up, "Hey..w-what happened last night?" He slurred in his gruff morning voice, still observing his current location.
Your lips pursed - deciding on what to say, because avoiding him so perpetually as you originally planned seemed all too harsh with his lost, drunken self - shortly after letting out a light tut, "You're drunk."
He groaned, lips shut, "that explains the headache"
Sympathetically - yet deep down angry - glancing over at him, you sighed, "I have some medicine," reaching back down to your suitcase, you pulled out a little zip up bag, containing medicine, extra toiletries if the time ever came, and handed the packet to Jimin. "Don't take it yet. Have breakfast first and then take the medicine" you instructed, voice monotonous, yet somehow holding a strong tinge of resentment; of which Jimin picked up on, surprisingly.
"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

The statement was more false than a fish that can fly, as when a woman says 'I'm fine' in her low tone and rolling eyes, nought point nought one percent of the time is it actually true. And Jimin, having been with you for a long time now, and having experience with women in general knows what 'I'm fine' means better than the back of his hand. However the hard part came to wether the woman wanted the victim to continuously pry their way into finding out what was really wrong, or wether in doing so they would just be telling the bomb to explode.

  "No really, what's wrong?" You heard him shift on the bed to sit on the edge, facing you.
"Look, let's just continue this conversation later," you shifted the focus, keeping mind of your busy schedule for today, "we don't have the time right now"
"What, why? Where are we going?" He asked.

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