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"Ok, see you later sweetie" With a goodbye peck on the forehead, you waved at your fiancé with your puffy cheeks full of pancakes and bacon (I'm British but pancakes and bacon is the best thing to ever exist) made by your one and only as he woke earlier than you today. Before treading further to the door to leave, he gave you a small smile at how adorable you looked, and softly said "bye" in final return.
The door closed and locked and you sat there, peacefully finishing your breakfast while scrolling through your phone before you made your way to work.


"Yeah?" You looked up at Mia.
"You have a customer who requests of your service" she said with a blatant tone of slyness.
You gave her a confused look and she pointed behind her to a table. A flushed smirk appeared on your face and you walked round the counter, heading to the table with crossed arms at which your fiancée sat, staring at you with the corner of his lips turned up.

"Hello, sir," you asked jokingly, stopping before his table " What would you like to order?"
"Hmm," Jimin glanced up at the ceiling and back to you, "can I order Park Y/n with a side of kisses?"
An embarrassed, uncontrollable smile creeped on your face and you rolled your eyes.
He chuckled, "But really, can I have a coffee to go."
"Sure" you nodded.
"And maybe the side would be nice too" He hummed, raising his eyebrows in anticipation.
"Your coffee will be ready soon, sir" you teased, walking away with his order and he pouted at your turned back to him.


  Chucking the keys into the little wooden bowl, you were immediately welcomed home with a dressed up Jimin. He appeared from the kitchen doorway in an apron and chef hat, smiling big.
You chuckled as you put your bag down, walking over to him.

  "Welcome home" He embraced you in a hug.
As you pulled away from the hug, you lifted your hand to investigate 3 inch chef hat, "is this necessary?"
His lips went plank straight and he squinted his eyes at you, placing his hand on his chest, "I'm offended" 

  You giggled, "what did you make?"
"Lasagne. It's in the oven, I'm just cutting up the salad" he pointed back to the kitchen before fitting his hand on your waist again.
"You really didn't have to make dinner" you pouted.
"Don't say that. I wanted to" He hummed.
"Still, you must be tired after work"

  He hesitated for a moment as if something was on his mind that couldn't come out.
"And you're not tired? Please, this is my treat for you" the pad of his thumbs stroked back and forth over your waist.
"Alright. Thank you, really Jimin"
He brought you closer and pecked the top of your head, "now, foods going to be done in about 5 minutes, so go change and everything will be here for you"
"Thank you"
"If you say that one more time, I might have to punish you" he warned.
"Punish?" You smirked.
He hummed in satisfaction, before leaning down to murmur in your ear "go get changed baby"


  "But he's a nice guy, it's just he seems a little awkward"
"I mean, I would be too starting at a new workplace. Especially if it was somewhere like your business" you responded unknowingly, taking another bite of cucumber.

  Jimin bit the corner of his lip.
You noticed he's been acting a little strange; standoffish even. There's something on his mind and you could tell from a mile away.

  "Jimin, is something wrong?" You asked softly.
"No, not wrong-" he looked up from playing with the food on his plate, "I just wanted to propose something to you"
"Go on" you encouraged.

  "I've been thinking, you should quit being a waitress"
You blinked a few times, fork that was poked into a lasagne piece in mid air, lips parted.

"Sorry, that was a little ambiguous. I think you should come and work for me instead of tiring yourself with your current job"
"Because I care for you," he murmured shyly, "and I want you to have a job that'll serve you better."
"It's just a temporary job though" you shrugged.
"Temporary, for 2 years?"
Wow, it's been 2 years already?"

"Ok, ok. But, you know how I feel about business-"
"I know, but you've never even tried that field. Why don't you give it a shot, I reserved a space for you as my personal assistant" he beamed, hoping to convince you.
"Still..." you pondered.
I mean, this wasn't a decision you could make right there and then, particularly seeing as it was so out of the blue. You had to take into consideration..timings, like what time you'd wake up and get back from work, new people who would have an extreme amount of elegance and class that you don't have, and most terrifyingly, a whole new environment you've never stepped into before. And though Jimin is right, you'll never know what something is like if you've never tried it before, but a wise part of you is saying to reject this offer right now because it won't turn out the way it's supposed to.

"Pleasee. You'll love it there" he begged.
"Jimin..I appreciate the thought, but this isn't something I can agree to on the spot" You softened.
He opened his mouth, glanced once down at the table and back up to you, "Ok, take your time"
"I'm sorry"
"No, please don't be. Honestly, take your time to think about this. You don't have to go through with it. And just know, I'm supportive of you no matter what you pick" he sympathised genuinely, reaching his hand over the table to yours as you cracked an uncertain smile.


You were confused as to why Jimin felt so deeply about you changing jobs. It was a matter of care and genuine thought, but so much to the extent he seemed almost upset.

  You had given it a lot of thought - a lot meaning every second of every hour since the news was told - and you found yourself back to the same argument, "I'm not cut out for such a job" which was true, and evidently weighing down the pros.
Though, it was strange, because a very small, hopeless part of you thought this was going to be an amazing, life changing opportunity. 


"Hm" he nodded, still focused on the mirror, fixing his chosen tie for today.
"I've thought a lot about this.." you took a deep breath in which caused him to turn to face you with concern. "I think I'm going to take that job offer"
His mouth dropped, "Really?"
"Really, really?"
"Ok. Are you 100% sure. Because I don't want you agreeing just because I said so-"
"No. I'm 101% sure. And, I want to do this. Who knows it could be a really good change for me" you chuckled, shrugging as you walked closer for him to envelop you in his arms.
"Are you certain? You don't need more time to-"
"Jimin, ask me if I'm sure one more time and I will punch you." You joked.
He laughed, "well, then, let's go to work today" he smirked.

𝟙𝟚𝟚𝟡 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤

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