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I groan into my pillow as another painful wave of dysmenorrhea hits me.

Oh I hate being a girl.


No not mom.

I grab my pillow and place it over my head trying to block out the noise.

BANG! BANG! BANG! "Chloe get up it's Friday"

"Mom... I don't want to go to school" I groan and before I know it she's inside my room.

"And why not young lady?" She crosses her arms and raises a brow.

"I have lady problems mom, I feel horrible" I sniff, great I think I'm catching a cold too.

"Oh dear" She places one of her palms on my forehead and quickly pulls it away.

"You're burning up. Alright if you don't want to go to school it's okay, I want you to get better" She kisses my cheek and fixes my sheets.

"Me and Dad need to go to New York so we'll be back on Sunday, Marcus is in charge, okay?" I just nod.

"Good" She smiles and she's out of the room.

I turn on my bed so I'm facing my window and I could see Bryan's empty bedroom.


A day without Mr. Bad Boy.

I slowly drift off into a dreamless sleep.


"Chloe?" Bryan? I still must be dreaming.

"Chloe wake up"

"Wait wha? Bryan?" I blink my eyes and grab my glasses from the night stand.

I narrow my eyes at him.

"Am I still dreaming?" I ask

"No" He chuckles as he sits on the bed.

"You were dreaming of me?" Oh sheep... Why is he here anyway?

"No I wasn't. Now go away"

"Aww admit it"

I was about to reply to that comment but another painful wave hits me and I groan.

"Ah!" I gasp as a searing pain resonates through my body. Tears well up my eyes and I curl into a painful ball.

"Hey you okay?" Bryan places a hand on my shoulder and I manage a small nod.

"That bad?" I nod again.

"Well, you go to sleep and when you're feeling better I'll take you somewhere. Okay"

I sigh and before I knew it I've plunged into darkness.


"You look nice in shorts Garfield" Bryan winks across the breakfast table. We're at a small diner. It's really cozy.

I just glare at him and continue to sip the hot chocolate. I resent that nickname.

"Aren't you suppose to be at school?" I ask and he just shrugs.

"Heard your mom say that you could stay at home because you had girl problems so I wanted to make you feel better" He smiles a genuine smile.

He looks so sweet and innocent which is the exact opposite of him, his handsomeness pulls at my heart strings. He's so thoughtful sometimes and that makes me all warm inside.

"Thank you" I smile and I didn't expect what happened next because he reached over the table and kissed my cheek softly while tucking a stray hair behind my ear.

"Your welcome" He smiles.

Oh No...

I have a little crush on Bryan Moore, the bad boy.

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