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"Dad, I'm fine!" I exclaim as a frantic dad in his business suit disrupts our class to bring me to the hospital.

The whole class was trying real hard not to laugh at the situation.

"Rya told me that you got pushed" He says while carressing my face. He touches the marks that Bianca made with her nails and curses under his breath.

"Vandergielt's daughter did this to you?" I roll my eyes at his concern. My dad's very loving and caring, but sometimes he's just melodramatic.

"Dad, I'm fine" I tell him again, but I know that I wasn't gonna win this one.

"I'm taking you to the hospital and that's it" Dad tells me sternly.

"I'm sorry for this Ms. White but will you please excuse my daughter from today's activities." He asks my History Teacher.

"Ofcourse, Mr. Johnson" And we were out of there.

Honestly I'm glad for the excuse to get out of class. Though my wrist hurt, the pain didn't compare to what I felt inside.

Even though I knew that all the things that Bianca said were not true. I still feel really bad about it cause if she had an opinion of me like that then maybe others do as well.

Dad takes me to the hospital to get a full on checkup. I twisted my wrist and had some bruises but I was fine after that, but my dad told the staff to get me confined for observation cause I did hit my head pretty hard awhile ago.

So here I was in a hospital gown in my suite and reading my reviewers. This time I actually understand what I'm reading.

I'm finally finish with reviewing when the door suddenly bursts open revealing the Moore twins and Rya.

I raise my brow in question.

What are they doing here?

"How did these two get in?" I ask Rya. Dad told the staff to only let in close friends and relatives so yeah, these three must've done something.

I eye the three of them and Rya just shrugs.

"Well apparently, You and I are the girlfriends of these two idiots" She answers. My eyes widen in realization at the same time the twins say

"Hey!" The both of them clutch their chests in mock hurt.

"I thought that it was real baby" Kevin tells Rya and she rolls her eyes at him.

Oh that reminds me!


"Hey Bryan come here." He sits next to me on the bed and raises a brow in question. I must look really crazy cause I'm smiling from ear to ear.

"Do you have any idea on what these two have been up to?" I whisper to him and he just looks confused.

I grab my phone and show Bryan the compromising picture I took of Rya and Kevin from the other night.

At first Bryan looks confused, but when he got to process the picture his eyes widen at the sight of the photo.

"What the fuck?" He looks at me in question and I just shrug.

"I need a copy of this" He takes the phone out of my hand to probably message the picture to his phone.

I roll my eyes at him, he obviously needs some blackmail material.

"You two, better be using protection" Bryan warns the both of them and the two turn red like tomatoes. Rya steps a little bit away from Kevin while he bows his head, hiding his shame.

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