Getting ready

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"Chloe!-BANG-Chloe!-BANG!- Get up it's the first day of school!-BABABABAABABABABAAAAAANG!!!!-"

I roll off of the bed and hit the carpeted floor of my room with my face.

I wince as another loud bang hits the wood of my door.

Can't I just wake up on my own like a normal human being?


Of course I can't.

I roll on my back and start to claw at the air, trying to get up on my feet. Then there was another loud bang at my door.


"Stop banging on my door, woman! I'm awake.... sheez" I get up from the floor and sleepily put on my slippers.

In the middle of a yawn... I almost choke on air.


I jump at the sound and glare at the most cursed piece of wood on earth.


"Hurry up! It's 7:30 and you don't wanna be late for your first day at school" Mom answers from the other side.

I roll my eyes and slowly walk up to my night stand, grab my phone and check the time 6:53 am.... Typical Mom.

'You don't wanna be late for your first day of school' Just great.. My first day as a Senior. Whoopee! Can you smell my sarcasm? It's probably choking you at the moment.

I give out an animalistic growl and by animalistic I mean 'sounding like drowning cats' then I grab my towel on the way to the bathroom and strip out of my Garfield pajamas.

A cold shower sounded very appealing at the moment, considering that I had drool all over my face. DON'T ASK.

I turn the water on to wake up my senses and I regret it the instant the cold liquid made contact with my skin.

"Ah! "

I was frozen at the spot, every inch of my body erupting into goosebumps and it felt as if my heart stopped beating .

"Oh my glob! Oh my glob! Co-Cold-dah..."

I'm definitely awake now.

I fumble around trying to grab the knob that controlled the heat.


I definitely don't want to freeze my touche off.

Now that I'm all dressed up and ready for school, I stare at my reflection on my wall mirror.

I should wear dresses more often. I braid my hair into pigtails and put on my glasses. There, now I'm really ready.

I actually look... Cute, a tab bit chubbier but still cute.

"Chloe! it's really 7:30 this time, get your fat ass down here for breakfast! I MADE CHOCOLATE PANCAKES!"

My stomach raps at the mention of the delicious food as I take another once over at myself.

Not Bad.

Maybe this year will turn out better than last the last.

Cayenne's Note

This Chapter has been edited :)

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