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He's after me?

What the hell is that suppose to mean?!

Is he seeking revenge?

Embarass me infront of the entire school?

What the fudge is he talking about!

"Hey Chloe" A guy wearing the school varsity greets me. He's cute, black hair, blue eyes,  he kinda looks a lot like Bryan and the guy is pretty hot but not as hot as Bryan is...

What!?! You did not just think that!

That's a bad Chloe, no no no!!!

Nope you are not going to think about him.

"Umm... Chloe?" Oh Yeah. Guy greeted you, you idiot! Say something back!

"Hi?" I say unsurely. He smiles a cute dimpled smile and extends his hand towards me and I shake it eagerly.

It's not everyday a hot guy's nice to you.

"That was pretty funny you know, yesterday about Moore." He says cheekily.

"Mo-Moore??" I ask unsurely. Who the hell is Moore?! Oh please did I embarrass myself to another person too?

" Bryan, Bryan Moore remember?" My eyes widen at the little piece of information. Moore huh?

"Oh yeah, Bryan.... Say, what did happen yesterday?" I ask trying to sound nonchalant.

"You seriously don't remember?" He smiles and looks at me with unbelieving eyes.

I shake my head.

"Well... At the assmebly yesterday you kinda.... Fainted and umm..." He stops as if trying to find the right words.

"And..." I push

"You kinda head-butted his balls" He says in a very whispered tone and my mind just goes blank.






Say what again?!?

"Umm.. yeah I best be heading to class so..." I say not really sure if I could face this embarassment.

"Oh, oh yeah! See you around Johnson" He winks

"Yeah see you around umm..." Did he say his name?

"Moore" He grins

"What!?!" Seriously what is going on?

"Kevin Moore, Bryan's twin bro" Before I even get a chance to say anything he disappears into the other hall and I'm left there, my jaw on the floor and probably looking like an idiot... again.

When I step in the classroom, every pair of eyes land on me and follow my every move.

I sit down at one of the empty lab tables trying to get as far away from the attention.

Everybody knows about the little incident yesterday.

That is amazing! Smell my sarcasm?

I set my things down, take my mirror out of my bag and fix my contacts.

Glasses are so much more comfortable and my face feels so bare without them.

I silently mourn over my beloved raybans.

That stupid jerk!

He stepped on them and god knows where they are right now.

Speaking of stupid jerk... The guy had a twin brother!?! He could've told me that or something cause this situation is seriously starting to get weirder by the moment and what did he mean he was after me?

Whatever it meant I'm gonna keep my eyes peeled.

I'm not gonna risk getting anymore embarrassment.

I push my hair to the side then I hear the chair beside me creek and guess who is sitting there.

"Hey Nerd" He smirks. I roll my eyes at him and glare.

" What the fudge are you doing here?" I snap.

He licks his lips and clears his throat.

Internal Swoon... Okay, you can't blame me for reacting like this cause this guy is hotter than hell but even his good looks cannot mask my internal anger towards him.

It's just my hormones and the only emotion I feel for this imbecile is pure hatred.

"For class duh" He says in a state-the-obvious tone and I just glare at him more.

Oh if looks could kill he'd be six feet under right now.

I look away from him, take my notebook out of my bag and start copying the topics for the entire school year. I finish the same time the teacher does and I put my things back inside my bag.

I check my watch 40 more minutes to go...

"Okay class, since it's the first official day of classes, consider the remaining time as a free period" Mr. Sander announces and the students erupt into a chaotic array of cheers.

Usually, I'd be ecstatic about these kind of things but I'm sitting next to Bryan.

So yeah...

I put my head down on the table, sigh and close my eyes.

I can literally feel his eyes boring holes onto my back.

Ignore him Chloe!

Ignore him Chloe!

Ign- Oh for crying out loud!

When I open them, I am face to face with a grinning imbecile.

"What do you want?" I ask angrily and glare at him. I notice that I do that a lot around him.

"To know you. After all, you are my next target sweetheart" I don't know why but the way he uses sweetheart effs me out a lot.

"First of all, stop that, stop saying I'm your next target and second, don't call me sweetheart" I say through gritted teeth.

This boy is starting to get on my nerves.

"Make me" He smirks and my mind drifts back to the moment we had yesterday.


You are not gonna go there.

"You're so redundant. It confirms my claims on your lack of intelligence" I snap.

"Whoah... You are really smart, which confirms my claims on your boringness" He smiles smugly.

I roll my eyes at him.

"Boringness? Seriously Bryan? Seriously?"

"What can I say, I have a unique choice of words" He winks.

I just shrug at him and ask the question that's been nagging at my brain for the past hour.

"You have a twin brother and you didn't inform me?" I say in a mock hurt tone.

"Isn't that like common knowledge? I'm the bad boy of SJH, So you've met Kevin?" He asks with a twinkle to his eyes.

"Not to state the obvious but yeah, I did and you didn't tell me that you had one so..."

"He's the school prince charming,ultimate boy crush, boy next door... Like literally boy next door to you" He laughs at his pun but i just stay impassive

"Tsk. Tsk Tsk... You need to do some homework sweetheart" He pauses and gives me a once over.

"We'll go over to your house at about" he looks at his watch "6:30"

And just like what his brother did, he turns his back to me and walks out of the classroom the same time the bell rings.

I can taste the ground right now cause yeah my jaw is on the floor.


Cayenne's Note


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