Not what it looks like!

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What the fudge do I wear!?!

I feel like I'm in a freaking nightmare. The twins are coming over and I'm downright confuse if I should wear my pajamas, lock the house and pray that they get the hint that I don't want to do homework or spend a few hours with two hot boys.

Girls out there, we all know what I chose and I do regret the decision cause now I have no idea what I'm doing or what I'm gonna do for that matter.

If I wear something nice, they'll think I'm trying to seduce them or something.

If I wear pajamas, I would just embarrass myself cause yeah I wear garfield nighties remember?

I sigh and plop myself down on the bed.

I turn the tv on and look through the channels.

What am I going to do?

Then I stop at HBO showing twilight. It's at the scene where Edward is inside Bella's room while she's was asleep. I just keep watching the movie and a few moments later my eyes widen.

An idea rushes to my head!

I run to my closet, wasting no time and rummage through my clothes like a mad man and find just what I'm looking for.

Chloe you are an absolute genius! I give myself an imaginery pat on the back.

"Chloe you have company!" My sister shouts from downstairs.

I stop walking and it's as if the whole world stops spinning.

Oh No.

She's going to kill them!

"Uhm Yeah, Rya don't you dare do something to them! They're my friends!" I shout back, frantically trying to get into my clothes.

Oh no!

Hurry the fudge up Chloe!

She's going to absolutely kill them.

I rush down the stairs and see thick mops of black and brown hair facing me and a glaring little sister. I release a breath I didn't even know I'm holding. Everything seems to be okay,

I approach the twins and shot Rya a behave look.

" Hi guys" I greet them and then I realize that they were sitting so straight, their eyes were wide and Kevin was shaking, actually shaking in fear. I turn to the only person capable of getting a reaction like that from a boy.

"Rya, what did you do?" I narrow my eyes at her, this little girl is too much.

"Oh nothing, just the usual" My eyes widen at the piece of information.

Oh no no no!

"What!?! I told you to never do that again!"  I turn back again and face the still terrified boys.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! Did she actually-" I didn't have time to finish my sentence when both boys shake their heads in a no gesture.

"She did didn't she?" I see the answer in their eyes, they were pleading me to go along with it.

"You two were too obvious!" My sister says while getting up from the couch and just as she does the boys let out girly screams and hide behind me.

"Why do you possess such evil in your house!?!" Bryan shouts while he hugs my waist, trying to protect himself as if I'm a shield or something. The feeling of my body plush against his is.... Wow, the butterflies are killing me.

"Ah! No she's walking towards us!" Kevin shouts. He's crouched down and hiding behind my legs. I roll my eyes at their immaturity.

"Rya, why don't you get dinner ready and ask Marcus if he could make us some cookies for dessert later" I say to her.

And just like that she goes the other direction but not before glaring at the two boys and saying "I'm letting you guys off easily for visiting my big sister just because my brother's gonna make cookies. You remember what I can do to you guys" Both of the boys nod and she's gone.

Both of the guys let go off me and I'm hit with the confused feeling again.

I feel worried for the two idiots.

What did Rya do this time?

"You guys okay?" I ask with concern.

"I am scarred for life" Kevin says with a sad expression on his face.

" I'll always wear a jacket everytime I come over" Bryan states looking pained.

"What did she do this time?"

"This time? You mean she does this to other people?" Kevin asks and I just nod and he makes an unbelievable face.

" She gave us purple nurples" Bryan says rubbing his chest area.

I put my hands on my face and sigh. This is why I don't have friends. "Oh glob. We should go to my room before she sees you guys again"

We make our way to my room and just like the other night I am now questioning my sanity.

These could actually be rapist or maniacs and they probably don't even live next door, yet here I am bringing them up to my room.

Nah, They probably won't and I doubt that they'll do something after their acquiantance with my sixteen almost seventeen year old sister.

The boys make themselves comfortable on my bed and I sit down on my bean bag.

"But I wanted to sit on the bean bag!" Kevin pouts just as he gets up from the bed and approaches me.

I cross my arms over my chest "But it's my room ..." I whine.

"Fine then" Kevin smriks the same time he lands ontop of me "We're gonna share it" he says as he makes himself comfortable on my lap.

"Oh my glob Kevin! You're so fat!" I shout.

Trying to get him off me.

"I wanna join the fun" Bryan whines and gets up from the bed.

"Sure bro" Kevin says the same time I shout "Don't!"


Too late

Bryan lands on the both of us and woah are they heavy.

I squirm trying to get the both of them off of me and after a few moments of trying I get a brilliant idea.

I pinch Kevin's sides and he erupts into a girly shriek

"No tickles!" He shouts as I continue to pinch his sides.

"Get the fuck off me Bryan!" He shouts between fits of laughter. The both of them land to the floor and I get up and tried to get away and please take note tried to get away.

"Oh no you don't!" Kevin shouts as he grabs my ankle and drags me to the floor as well.

"Grab her arms Bry" Bryan pins my arms over my head and smirks at me and I narrow my eyes at him

"Traitor! I thought that you were on my side" I say and he just shrugs. Kevin puts his hands on either side of my waist.

"What should I do to you?" Kevin asks with an evil glint in his eyes and I seriously get scared and started.

"No please let me go!" I plead.

He looks as if he was deep in thought.

"Nah, wrong answer" and just about when he was going to pinch my sides the door to my room opens and reveals a wide eyed Rya carrying a plate of cookies.

"Wha?" She asks and slowly soaks in the situation then she glares at us well, mostly at the two boys but yeah she death glares us.

"It's not what it looks like!" The two boys shout in unison.

Hey guys! Sorry it took me so long to update! I've been busy at school being a nerd and all....  Anyway I'm so so sooooooo flattered to see that I have over a hundred reads and a few votes! Oh my gosh you guys are amazing! I love you guys so much :) give you all hugs and kisses and

keep 'em coming all those reads votes and comments :) Oh yeah thanks for the votes Kristy1234!!!


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