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THE LUPINS WERE GOING TO GET THROUGH THIS. Remus just had to remind himself of that and every time he held his baby girl in his arms, he couldn't forget that he wasn't alone. Wherever Estella was, he was sure that he'd find his way to her. That this wasn't the end of his family.

When the Ministry got word of Estella's disappearance, they had questioned Remus and Edward. With Estella gone, Minister Millicent Bagnold has ruled that Remus Lupin was unfit to raise a child because of his condition. She would go to Estella's next of kin, Edward Bennett. Remus got visitation as long as there was supervision. But only with Edward's permission.

The world had come crashing down and Remus Lupin felt like he was drowning. He had been left completely alone. Estella's location died with James. His family was gone. The only person he had left was Artemis and they were taking her away too.

Sirius Black has betrayed them all. As it turned out, he had been a double agent and ratted his long-time best friend. James Potter has taken him in and he betrayed him. Not to mention he was probably the person who tipped off the death eaters about Estella's bloodline, which is why she had to go to the enchanted cabin.

Oh, Estella. She was out there somewhere and he would never see her again. Not that he wouldn't try to find her. He had order all the Merlin research he could find. He would find her, but he couldn't get out of the house without James. She was stuck. Estella Lupin would die there, just as James, Lily, and Peter had died.

"Listen to me, my little moon,"Remus whispered sadly to the little girl in his arms. She clung to her father desperately, almost as if she knew something was wrong."You are stay with Grandpa, okay? Edward will take care of you and I'm going to visit you as much as I can."

Remus Lupin hadn't felt this broken since Hope Lupin died. His entire being was drowning in sorrow and he wasn't sure if he'd ever truly breathe again.

The dark-haired man was in tears,"Look, Remus,"His voice cracked,"We're in this together. You can come any time. As long as I'm alive, you will see your daughter. I promise you."

Remus sobbed as he held the girl close to his chest, her hair had turned soft, sad blue as she tried to wipe her father's tears away frantically.

"This isn't goodbye, my little love,"Remus whispered, pressing a kiss to the little girl's forehead.


Two years progressed and Artemis adjusted as well as a four year old could, but Remus was slowly breaking with each weekly visit. Lyall tried his best to comfort his son, but nothing worked.

Edward was much of the same. His main focus was Artemis, and it was the only thing keeping him alive. The poor man was slowly deteriorating after the loss of his daughter. Lyall almost thought that Edward was dying from heartache.

Remus Lupin was twenty-three, struggling to get by with the little money he made on odd jobs. Yet, he never missed his dinners with Edward and Artemis.

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