A new member of the hunters

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I held Luhan against the wall. "Why aren't you answering me?" he asked. Luhan looked at him and said "Because I know you won't like the answer."

Kai's mouth opened as he was about to speak. "So she's?" he asked as the brink of tears. "Sorry" Luhan said. Kai looked down in desperation. "What happened?" he asked.

"She was killed helping me."

"You? Everything went wrong ever since you arrived, and now this" he said in anger. "Hey. You two. Don't you belong in class right now?" a teacher said as he walked towards them. "Break it up" he said as he pulled them apart. "What are you two doing? Get to class now before I give you both detention." They both started walking to the school building as they walked to class. As they opened the door the class was rowdy. Fill with laughs and talking as the teacher was seating down on his phone.

Kris stared at the shattered pieces of the frame in disbelief. The door opened as his mom walked in. "Who are you?" she asked him. He turned to face her. "Umma" he said. Tears started falling down her cheeks. "Kris" she said as she went to hug her son. She gripped tightly onto his clothes as she kept hugging him, not wanting to let go of him again. "I missed you" she cried.

"Me too" he said as he welcomed the embrace. She held his face as she stared at him. "Have you been eating? Where have you been sleeping?" she asked. He took her hands and said "I'm fine" as he gave her an assuring smile.

"I thought I'd never see you again" she sighed as she hugged him again. He looked at the mirror, and watched his reflection as he was hugging his mother. It looked strange to him, but it felt right some how. "Your father will be so happy to see you again. And there's someone I want you to see" she smiled.

"Who?" he asked.

"Your little sister. Her names Ah Reum. She even acts like you a little, you're both stubborn" she said happily.

"Umma. There's something I need to tell you."

She looked at him as his face changed to being serious. "You just got back. Can't it wait. Your sister should be home soon from school" she said.

"It can't. I've met Ah Reum before, but she's dead" he said quickly, like ripping a bandage off. "What?" she asked.

"Ah Reum-"

"I heard. How's that possible. Why. Why did she die" his mother cried as she fell to her knees. He looked at her with sympathy as she clutched her chest.

"I'm not done talking to you" Kai said as he ran up to Luhan. They were on the streets near Luhan's house. He held Luhan's shoulders as he turned him to face him. "What else is there?" Luhan asked.

"This" he said as he punched him in the face. "I'm going to get you for this. I'll make you suffer" he said as he walked away. When he turned the corner he was crowded by the hunters. "I couldn't help but over hear your little dispute.I think we can help" one of them said with a devilish grin on his face.

Kris was leaving out the front door when his mother held his arm. "You're not leaving are you? I just got you back. I don't want to loose both my kids on the same day" she said. He looked back as her and saw the tear filled eyes. "I was just getting some air" he lied. Just then the door opened as they both looked at it. "Honey. It's Kris" his mom said to her husband. He looked up at Kris and bowed and greeted his father. His father brought him in for a hug. "Where have you been?" he asked.

"Around" Kris answered.

The hunters brought Kai to their hangout space. "What am I doing here?" Kai asked as he looked around. It was quiet cozy, not what he thought it was going to be like. "Didn't you say you wanted to get even with Luhan. If you join us, then, we can help you with that" the ring leader said. Kai was really tempted with that offer. He was so blinded by rage that he accepted it without a second thought.

It was late as his parents were sleeping. Kris left without a word. "It's for you own good" he said as he looked back. He turned and disappeared into the night.

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