The accident

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"Did you know Donghae oppa?" Ah Reum asked Luhan.

"Ani. He just looked like someone I use to know. That's it" he answered. She looked as his hands as he was writing and noticed his mark. She passed her hands over it and asked "What's that?" He quickly pulled his arm away and cleared his throat. "It's a tattoo" he lied.

She nodded her head. At the end of school she was walking with Kai to meet the guys at the gate. "Can I ask you what happened with you and Luhan?" he asked.

"Oh that. It wasn't nothing drastic. He just stole the last slice of pizza" she laughed nervously. But he knew she was lying. Or doing a bad job at it. "Is that what you're going with?" he asked.

"Oppa. It's nothing serious. But why'd you attack him?"

"I heard you guys. I thought he did something bad to you."

"I'm fine. It was actually a funny misunderstanding" she said "Let's be friends again. Alright" she smiled. He looked away not wanting to cave in. She jumped in front of him and said "You're not passing until you answer me."

"It's no problem. I can just do this" he said as he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. "Let me down" she called as he was walking. They got to the gate when Xiumin asked "What's going on?"

He let her down as he answered "The usual."

"I say lets go out for food. I'm hungry" Lay said.

"Me too" Baekhyun replied as he raised his hand in the air. Everyone agreed to it. "You're coming right?" Ah Reum asked Luhan. He nodded his head as they started walking. Half of them were goofing off while the others were joking around. It's typical for them. "Luhan" Kai said as he walked over to him. "What is it?" Luhan asked.

"I don't know what you did to Ah Reum. But if you do something to hurt her I'll personally make you pay" he warned him. Luhan nodded his head yes as Kai walked ahead. Lay who heard everything nudged Luhan and said "Don't worry about him. He and Ah Reum use to date. So now he's acting like her brother. We all treat her like our little sister, but he and Suho hyung are more protective over her."

"Why'd they break up?" he asked as he watched Kai throw his arm around Ah Reum.

"Who knows" he shrugged "They never revealed that piece of the puzzle."

They got to a noodle shop and sat down. They ordered their food and ate.

"Go. It's getting late" Baekhyun said to Ah Reum.

"Arraso. I'm leaving. Don't stay out too late" she said as she walked to the bus. She walked in and took a window seat as she watched them walk back. She saw a group of guys walk in front of them as they followed them. She quickly ran off the bus and followed them. She was watching from a distant.

"You brought friends. It won't matter. We'll still take you" the guy said as he sent his guys after them. They were winning at first, but something causing them to start losing. Luhan look around at the chaos. He felt his mark taking over as he went through them like it was nothing. Just as D.O went to high five him, Luhan grabbed him and threw him across the room. Everyone rushed to aid him, pushing him in the process which made him come back to his senses. Lay grabbed him by the collar as the guys pulled him away and they left. He sat on the ground with his face buried in his hands. Ah Reum walked to him and asked "Who are you? What are you?" she waited but he didn't say anything and she left. He lowered his head as he stretched his legs out. What did I do he thought to himself.

"We need a doctor" Chen said loudly as they got to the hospital. One of the nurses ran to assistant them. They were in the waiting room. "When I get my hands on Luhan. I'm going to..." Baekhyun started.

"Not if I get to him first" Tao said. The doctor came and asked "Who's D.O's guardian?" they all got up and the doctor explained his situation. "He has a broken leg and arm. Can I ask how'd that happen?" the doctor asked.

"He got hit by a car" Sehun lied. The doctor obviously wasn't buying when he noticed that they all had bruises on their faces. "He's sleeping right now. You can come visit him tomorrow" the doctor said as they left.

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