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Luhan watched them carefully. Ah Reum smiled as they were done as she high five Donghae. They walked towards Luhan. "For a guy in retirement. You were pretty good" Luhan complimented. He looked at Ah Reum and said "Nice work. Now help me out here." Donghae took Luhan's arm as he put it around his neck. Ah Reum wrapped the other arm around her neck as they left. "I think there's a hospital around here" Donghae said.

"Hospital? Why?"

"Because you're injured" Ah Reum said.

"But I don't need to go" he whined.

"You're not a wolf so you can't heal easily" Donghae said. Just then Ah Reum pushed her body forward as she looked down and saw blood on her shirt. "Die" the hunter said as he twisted the knife. Donghae turned and pulled the guy away from her as he continuously punched him in the face. Luhan held her in his arms. "Ah Reum" he said.

"Oppa" she coughed "Mianhe."

"For what."

"For taking your mark."

"You don't have to be sorry. I should be apologizing to you." She was losing a lot of blood. Luhan called Donghae as he released the guy and ran towards her. "She's losing a lot of blood. Take her to the hospital. You're faster" Luhan said.

Donghae put his arms under her and lifted her up. "Aren't you coming?" he asked Luhan.

"I'll watch him."

"Don't kill him. That won't make us any different than them" he warned as he ran with Ah Reum. "Oppa" she said weakly.

"Save your strength" he said as he kept running. He got to the hospital as he called for a doctor. They came rushing as they put her on a gurney. "What happened?" the doctor asked.

"She was stabbed" Donghae answered as they took her for surgery.

Luhan sat down on the ground next to the hunters body. He had his arms on his knees. "Please" he cried.

Kris who was watching felt a bit sorry for him. He took a deep breath before walking by his side. "It's too late" he said. Luhan quickly turned and saw Kris standing there with his hands in his pockets looking up at the sky. He stood up and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "You" Luhan sneered.

"What? I wasn't the one brought her into this. I wasn't the one who gave her my mark. But aren't you at least wondering why you're not in pain" Kris said as he pushed Luhan away. He looked at his hand as he saw the mark on his wrist. "I thought I couldn't get it back" he questioned.

"I said your temptation was your downfall. She's dead, so the mark returned to its rightful owner."

"She's not dead. She can't be dead."

"You might catch her if you run" he said. Luhan looked at him before he ran to the hospital.

Kai picked up his phone as he dialed Ah Reum's number and pressed the phone to his ears. But there was no answer. "Ah Reum. What are you doing?" he said to the phone before he hanged up.

Luhan ran in the hospital when he saw Donghae. "Luhan" he said.

"She's not dead. She can't" he cried. Donghae held him back as he was kicking and crying. He saw Luhan down as he buried his face in his hands. "Luhan" Donghae said. He looked at him. "Before she left. Ah Reum wanted to me tell you, that, she really was sorry. And that she loved you."

Luhan continued crying as Donghae got up and left.

A wolf's temptationWhere stories live. Discover now