Chapter 24 (Recording)

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"Ugh" Nishikata scoffs as he is dreading a day of teasing from Takagi.

"I'm too sleepy... well I did stay up all night watching the new episode of Unrequited Love 100%." He exclaimed.

At the School

"Hmm, it's unusually quiet... only a few students around..." Nishikata wondered.

He glances at the school's clock and notices.

"W-WHAT?! It's still 6:30?! I-I must've misread the clock back at home... I guess I'll wait at the classroom."

He sat and tried to sleep. Suddenly, he heard a whisper "Ni-Shi-Ka-Ta."

He jumped off his chair and responded "W-WH-WHO'S THERE?!"

Again, the voice whispered "Try to find me" in a playful mischievous tone.

Nishikata was anxious and he then thought "T-This again..? I-I guess I'll try to find her..."

"T-Takagi-san?" He calls out.

A giggle then resounded throughout the classroom. It came from the teacher's table.

Nishikata slowly walked towards it, silent and anxious at the same time.

He found at the table, a handkerchief. He picked it up and noticed a familiar phone.

"I-Isn't this T-Takagi-san's phone..?" He asked.

A recording played repeatedly for two minutes.

"Ni-Shi-Ka-Ta, try to find me" it said repeatedly.

Nishikata finally realized that the voice was coming from the phone.

"S-So Takagi-san isn't here..?" He sighed in relief and went back to his seat, taking the phone with him. He again, tried to sleep but was restless.

The time was now 6:45AM. He was waiting for Takagi to show up but still nothing.

He then decided to look for her, checking the locker, behind the curtains, anywhere possible.

Finally, he then approached behind the teacher's table, slowly and silently sneaking.

He was surprised to find a sleeping Takagi under the table.

"T-Ta-Takagi-san?! Wh-What is she doing here?!" He thought.

"Sh-She must've tried to surprise me earlier but fell asleep. Hahaha! Takagi-san is pretty careless" He whispered and chuckled.

He tried to slowly move her to her seat. When he finally carried her upright. He was suddenly caught off guard by Takagi.

"W-WHAT?! Y-You were awake all along T-Takagi-san?!" He exclaimed while laughing as Takagi poked his sides.

Takagi then laughed "Hahaha! Nishikata your sides are really ticklish!"

"S-So you were awake a-all this time?" Nishikata asked, gasping for air.

"I was trying to surprise you earlier but you took too long and I did fell asleep" Takagi said, still laughing.

"S-Since when were you awake then..?" Nishikata asked.

Takagi then grinned and said "When you hugged me".

Nishikata was red and flustered responding "I-I didn't hug you!"

"Oh? Really? I wonder" Takagi replied.

"B-Believe me! Y-You were asleep so I was worried you might catch a cold the-" He explained but was cut off.

"So you were worried for me then?" Takagi smiled.

Nishikata was blushing and stuttering to get his words out "Y-Ye-Yeah..".

"Hmm? I see.." Takagi-san responded.

Suddenly Takagi whispered into Nishikata's ear.

"Thank you Nishikata" She whispered.

This made Nishikata blush so much.

It was now 7:00AM when the students arrived and class then began. However this day was not easy for Nishikata.

Whenever he glances at Takagi, he gets reminded of her words and starts to blush.

Those words were stuck on his mind even after school.

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