Chapter 19 (Guitar)

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A peaceful Saturday afternoon was enjoyed by all especially Nishikata who found something which made him energetic. Nishikata was lazing around in his room, reading manga and watching Unrequited Love 150%! when a sudden urge suddenly made him go find some old manga in their storage room. He opened and moved some boxes until he found a guitar bag which undoubtedly had a guitar. He was intrigued and opened the bag, revealing the guitar itself, guitar strings, and picks. The guitar was somewhat old but still in pristine condition which naturally had old and rusting strings. He brought the guitar upstairs and replaced the strings.

"This is so cool! Maybe I'll try to learn on how to play this.."

He then strummed to the point where he was trying to portray a rock guitarist playing. He had earphones on and didn't notice his bedroom door open. When he turned around, he was shocked to see Takagi standing at the door laughing out loud from the sight she saw.

"Hahaha! That was funny, oh hi Nishikata!" greeting him after a laugh.

Nishikata then asked flustered and nervous as ever "W-Why a-are you here..? T-Takagi-san..?"

He then received a giggle and a reply "I guess you didn't hear me from the racket you were making up here haha. I called out to you but I didn't hear a response so your mom opened the door and let me in. She told me to come upstairs so I did and saw you.. Hahahahaha!"

Nishikata then begged Takagi to not tell the scene to anyone "P-Please d-don't tell anyone about what happened T-Takagi-san.."

Takagi then replied "Hmm, I wonder if I should.." teasing him with a playful tone.

"All right, I will not tell anyone" she said.

Nishikata then sighed in relief thinking of how easy it was to keep Takagi silent until she said "Only if you do my favour that is.." which made him stutter.

He then asked "A-A favour..?"

Takagi then responded "Yeah, a favour"

Nishikata then replied "B-But w-what is it about..?

She then smirked and said "Let's make a song!"

He then replied "A-A song..? B-But what about?"

Takagi then replied "It depends, we'll decide once we get to it"

Nishikata was confused and responded "U-Uhh..? B-Bu-" where Takagi then interrupted him.

Takagi then said "No buts! Or I'll tell everyone.." and then giggled.

The both of them then thought about their song the whole afternoon, writing lyrics until it was late amd Takagi went home. Nishikata was confused but happy about the interest of Takagi wanting to write a song which left him feelings of excitement for their song.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The End~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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