Chapter 20 (Teaser) (Moto Timeline)

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A peaceful Saturday morning was enjoyed by the Nishikata family as they were reminiscing about the youth of Nishikata and Takagi. They had breakfast when Nishikata found a rather old album. Chi was excited to open the album and together, they opened the album with excitement. Nostalgia filled the room when they opened the album revealing pictures of Nishikata and Takagi's youth.

"Wow! Is this mommy and daddy?" Chi exclaimed.

Takagi then affirmed "Yep, this is mommy and daddy"

Chi then asked "Why is daddy sad here and mommy is laughing?" which made Nishikata flinch.

Takagi then responded "Hmm, I wonder... can you guess?" which made Nishikata nervous.

Chi then undoubtedly answer "Oh I know! Mommy is teasing daddy! Am I right?" turning Nishikata more flustered and nervous.

Takagi then giggled "Thats right! Teasing your dad made me really happy that time hahaha!"

Nishikata then said to them "L-Let's just move to the next page now.." trying to change the topic.

They then moved to the next page showing lyrics of a song.

"Oh this takes me back!" Takagi said.

Nishikata then agreed "Yeah, this was the song we made right?" showing nostalgia and enthusiasm

Chi, who was unaware of the event asked Nishikata what was it about.

"Deatta Koro No Youni? Is that the title of the song?"  Chi asked.

"Daddy! Did you and mommy make this song?" Chi asked.

Nishikata then replied "Yeah, we used a guitar for this. It really takes me back".

Takagi then added "Yes me too! Especially the time that you tried to imitate a rockstar hahaha!" making her laugh and embarrassing Nishikata of the memory.

Nishikata then said "L-Let's move on to the next page.." trying to change the topic again.

Chi then disagreed and said "No daddy! I want you both to sing this!" which made Nishikata show enthusiasm.

Takagi then said "Oh that's a great idea, let's try it!"

Nishikata then responded "Oh okay but only your mom sang this while I played the guitar"

Chi then replied "Its okay! Mommy! Do we have a guitar?"

Takagi then responded to Chi "I think we have the one your daddy used to play this. Dear, can you go get it? I think its in the storage room"

Nishikata then agreed and went to find the guitar. While he was trying to find it, the both was trying to sing the lyrics to practice.

"Wow mommy! I really love your voice!" Chi exclaimed.

Takagi then thanked Chi when Nishikata returned with the guitar. Takagi then sang together with the tune of the guitar making the opportunity a good one.

After they had finished singing, Chi then asked Nishikata and Takagi about the lyrics.

"Mommy, daddy, who wrote most of the song?" Chi asked.

Takagi then responded "I mostly wrote the lyrics while daddy tried to think about the tune."

Chi then again asked "The song is about love I think.. so mommy, who was this for?"

Takagi then replied "Hmm.. who do you think?"

Chi then replied "I think its for daddy! Am I right?" which made Nishikata blush.

Takagi then affirmed "Yes you are! I loved daddy even then so I wrote the song about love!"  which again made Nishikata blush more than ever.

Nishikata and Takagi then both exchanged which made the both of them blush which made Chi happy. The three then kept the album and the guitar and then continued the day with excitement and enthusiasm.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The End~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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