Chapter 18 (Tic-Tac-Toe)

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The last day of semester was awaited by the students with both feelings of excitement but also sadness as the semestrial break would make the students unable to see each other very often. Nishikata was assigned the last day duty, which made him disappointed. He arrived at the classroom where he saw Takagi surprisingly early.

"T-Takagi-san..? Y-You're early huh..?" he said nervously.

Takagi was smiling and responded "Oh, I just wanted to help you out on day duty" which made Nishikata confused and flustered.

He then let out a nervous reply "O-Oh, th-that's nice of you.."

She then responded "Let's get started now!"

Nishikata then agreed and they started day duty which ended quickly as they finished it earlier. They both sat on their desk, waiting for their classmates to arrive.

Nishikata was unusually calm and composed, which made Takagi suspicious and asked "Planning something huh?" which made Nishikata surprised and flustered.

"N-NO! I-I'm not planning anything at all.." he replied.

Takagi then responded playfully "Hmm.. I wonder if you're planning something like a game to beat me" which made Nishikata sputter and respond nervously as he previously planned a game to beat Takagi.

He then admitted his plan and shared it to Takagi "I-I was actually wondering i-if we could play a game of Tic-Tac-Toe.."

Takagi then giggled and said "I knew it, so I wonder how you can beat me with this game"

Nishikata then replied confidently "Oh you'll see"

Nishikata was confident and he then thought out his plan "Hahaha! For sure today I will win against Takagi-san! The game is actually tricky even for her! But I practiced this and learned how to ultimately beat her!"

They then started to play with Takagi going first as the symbol X and then put her place at the bottom right box. Nishikata then put his place with the symbol O at the middle, leaving two boxes filled.

Takagi giggled and replied "Hmm, I think I know what you're planning now." which made Nishikata panic.

He then replied nervously "W-What..?"

She then playfully responded "Hmm, I wonder.." which made Nishikata fluster.

Takagi then proceeded to fill the top left box which made Nishikata realize that his plan to fill the corners to leave the top left box open for an easy victory.

Takagi then noticed Nishikata's reaction which made her laugh and said "Oh? Your plan got foiled I guess?"

Nishikata was disappointed but still tried to win the game, filling the bottom left box.

Takagi then smirked and said confidently "I win"

She then proceeded to fill the top right box which left two space at both it's sides for a sure victory.

Nishikata then filled the right box when Takagi then immediately filled the top box which made her win.

Nishikata was then disappointed and he regretted.

Takagi then laughed and comforted him "It's ok, it was fun though" making Nishikata comforted.

Their classmates then arrived and all of them took their last classes of the last day of the semester.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The End~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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