"We've done all that we can."
"Do more!" Darcey screamed.
She couldn't help but lose it.
Sam ribbed her arms to try and calm her down.
"We can try and keep him comfortable at this point. But I give him a couple weeks, maybe a month. "
"That's not good enough! Your a doctor! Fix him!"
Not bothered by the shouting girl, the doctor said his pointless apology's and left.
Going into the room, Dean was flipping through the tv Chanel's.
Walking to Deans bed, Darcey stood beside Sam.
"Have you actually watched daytime tv?" He asked "it's terrible."
Sighing, Sam said,
"I talked to your doctor."
"That fabric softener teddy bear. Ooh,
I'm gonna hunt that little bitch and his family down." Dean said, ignoring Sam
"Dean-" Darcey said,
Getting his attention.
"Yeah." He said to them
"A right, well, looks like you guys are gonna leave town without me."
Darcey did not like the sound of that.
"What are you talking about? I'm not gonna leave you here."
Sam said
Dean looks to his older sister.
"You're gonna take care of that car or I swear I'll haunt your ass."
Not fining it funny, Darcey has had enough.
Leaving the room, she
Found the nearest washroom.

Placing her hands on the skink, she breathed in, and let out a cry.
She cried and cried.

When they watched their sister leave, Dean looked to Sam.
"Not only do you have to take care of the car, but you have to watch out for her. She needs me almost as much as I need her, so when I'm not there, she'll need someone, so you better be that someone. Do not leave her."

Hearing the last bit of his speech, when she knew he was done, she walked in.
"Look guys, what can I say? It's a dangerous gig. I drew the short straw. That's it, end of story." Dean said
Shaking her head, Darcey said for the first time in a while since she yelled at the doctor.
"Stop talking like that. There are other options okay? So stop talking like your going to die!" She told him. Her voice going up a pitch.
"The other options are burial or cremation." Dean told them
"Look, I know it's not easy, but I'm going to die. And there's nothing you can do."
Crossing her arms, she walked away from the bed to sit on the chairs that where outside the room.

With Sam going research crazy, Darcey finally decided to go have a actual conversation with her brother.

Walking in the room, she slowly wakes up to him. Her heart beating fast when she looked at his self lying in a hospital bed like that.
The older Winchester sat at the foot of the bed and waited for him to speak first.
"CC, look. Promise me—"
"I'm not promising anything. You are not going to die" she told him firmly, even if she was barely hanging on by a thread.
"Hey, I get your older, even if it is only by five seconds and all, but just listen to me for once, okay?"
Nodding, she let him speak.

"Look. Just, get out of this life okay? I made Sam promise to look out for you, but i need to know your okay. So take Grayson somewhere, anywhere, but don't hunt. Get out like Sam did. I know that you've wanted to, and I know how jealous you were of him, but he's you're chance now. Please."
With a sigh, and some tears in her eyes, she moved to hug him, carefully not to hurt him.
"Fine. But you are not going to die, not in this hospital." She said as she got up from the bed and went to get his clothes.
"Put these on. I'm busting you out of here."
"I knew we were related." Dean said smiling at his sister.

At the motel, Darcey knocked while she held Dean up.
Sam looked surprised. "What the hell are you doing here?" He asked
"I busted him out." Darcey said happy with her idea.
"I'm not going to let him die in a hospital where the nurses aren't even hot." Darcey told Sam.
Closing the door, Sam said, "you know, this whole "I laugh in the face of death" thing...it's crap. I can see right through it."
"Yeah, whatever dude." Was Dean's reply.
"Have you even slept? You look worse than me." Dean said to Sam.
Darcey helped Dean to the bed and sat beside him.
"I've been scouring the Internet for the last three days." Sam says.
"Calling every contact in dad's journal."
"For what." Dean asked

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