Chapter 1

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"We're finally unpacked," my best friend Amy said as she put the last of the dishes in cupboards and drawers in the kitchen.

My best friend and I moved to LA this summer, we're only 16 but our parents support our decisions to move out here to start our careers. Amy is a singer and hopes to get discovered and audition for a bunch of musicals and such. I'm more of a dancer myself. I've been dancing since I was 5 years old. I started out doing the whole ballet and tap classes but I only did that for a year before telling my parents it was boring. I was a very opinionated child. So they switched me to jazz and hip-hop, I do mostly hip-hop now. I studied what was mandatory to be a professional dancer if I ever got discovered. I was smart that way.

"Alright, now that there's nothing to unpack, what do you want to do?" I asked as I got a water bottle out of the fridge.

"There's a beach nearby, want to go there? Or we could just walk around and explore LA." Amy suggested.

"Let's just walk around and maybe look for auditions of some sort."

We got our things together and left. I filled my backpack with a change of clothes (sweatpants, sweatshirt, t-shirt), water bottle, socks, sneakers, etc. and we left.

After walking around for an hour of wandering, we decide to get food. Right after we finish eating, we hear screaming, and I mean A LOT of screaming. We decide to check it out but before we can get up from where we're sitting, we see a group of, I'd say, 3 or 4 boys running with an enormous trail of screaming girls following them. Weird.

We decide to go home after that and just relax because we had a busy day planned for tomorrow.


After breakfast, we get dressed in our sweats and walk to the dance class we signed up for. Just to try it out. We find the place and walk in. We're greeted by a lady at a desk.

"Hi, we signed up for the next class but we've never been here before," I explain.

"Alright, well, you're going to go all the way down the hall and look for Mark, he's the instructor and he'll direct you girls from there," the lady said with a smile.

Amy thanked her as we turned and started down the hallway.

We walk into an empty room except for Amy and I and Mark, I'm guessing.

"Hi, are you Mark?"

He turned to face us, "Yes I am, how can I help you?"

"I'm Mady and this is Amy, we signed up for your class today but we've never been here so we were wondering if you could explain to us how your class works."

"Sure," he said with a smile. After about 10 minutes of Mark explaining that we have to warm up and wait for everyone else, we walked over to a corner to put our bags.

There were only about 5 other people with Amy, Mark and I. We were about to start when 4 boys walked in, they looked about my age. "Hey guys, you're right on time," Mark said to them.

I looked over at Amy who was tying her shoes. "Okay so we'll start with a short hip-hop combo by me and then the boys are going to teach a different combo of their own," Mark explained, "You might want to introduce yourselves just in case they don't know who you are." Mark looked to the 4 boys still standing in the door.

One boy stepped forward and introduced himself, I think he said his name was 'OG', he had his short brown hair pushed up and held by a bandana. The next boy was Omar, then Oscar, and I can't remember the last one's name. They all start with the letter O I think but I can't remember the last name so I don't know for sure. Omar had dark hair, and brown eyes. Oscar had sandy blond hair and dark blue eyes. The last boy (I still can't remember his name) had sandy blonde hair and his eyes were a lighter blue, compared to Oscar's. I have to admit; they're all really attractive.

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