Chapter 12

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Several weeks passed, OG's ribs and ankle healed and he was back to his old self. I had no plans today, considering Amy spent a lot of her time with Oscar recently. Is he ever going to ask her out?

I had spent all morning texting OG and some friends from back home in a group chat.

Me: You guys should totally come and visit LA.. you guys would love it ;)

Hannah: I wanna visit LA... :) how far is it actually if we took a roadtrip??

Me: It's an 18 hr drive but we'd still be able to see each other again :)

Mikayla: Idk...

Me: Come on, you guys are 18... pleaseeeeeeee?

Mikayla: I'll see what I can do ;p

Hannah: I literally just told my parents I was taking one of the cars next week and going to LA and they were like "okay, have fun" 😂😂

Mikayla: Hannah..? Can you pick me up on the way? My mom doesn't even care if I go actually :)

Me: YASSS I get to see you guys again soon :) when are you leaving? I'm excited

Hannah: Does tomorrow work for you Mik and then we'll be there on Tuesday or Wednesday Mady?

Mikayla: I gotta go pack, see you in LA Mady ttyl love you!

Me: Yay!! You guys are the best ;) gotta tell Amy you guys are coming cuz she'll be excited too.

I quickly texted Amy because I was too lazy to call her and I didn't know where she was.

Me: Heyy the bests are coming to LA!

Amy: Hannah and Mikayla?! 😱❤️

Me: Yes they'll be here in a couple days ;)

Amy: Can't wait to see them!! :) :)

As I was about to get food from the kitchen downstairs when my phone starts ringing next to me. My ringtone being 'What The Fooo' told me it was OG.

"Hello handsome," I answered immediately.

"Hello princess," I can picture OG's amazing smile even though I can only hear him.

"Awe," I say to myself quietly.

"'Awe' what?" OG laughs.

"Oh you heard that? I was saying 'awe' because you've never called me 'princess' and I thought it was adorable... as cheesy as that is." I start laughing at how cheesy and awkward I'm being.

"Are you... are you laughing... at yourself?" OG asks between laughs.

"Maybe," I say in my most suspicious tone I can without laughing again.

"I called to ask you to come over and help me with something..." Hearing this kind of scared me, considering OG was still semi healing from the car accident.

"What?" I need him to tell me what's going on and he can't say something like, 'you'll find out when you get here'.

"You'll find out when you get here," he says smugly.

"I'm not going over there unless you tell me why you want me to help you," I had to know because he was honestly scaring me and I don't like it. I was having a mini panic attack.

"I just want to cuddle with you," OG said quietly and this made me sigh in relief, "and some other stuff maybe."

"I'll cuddle but I don't really want to know what you mean by 'other stuff' so I'll be there in five minutes."

"If you run, you'll get here faster." I could tell OG was smirking just by his tone.

"Fine, but you'll suffer the consequences when I get there," I say sarcastically but didn't mean to.

I hung up and changed into my high-waisted white jean shorts, a Bon Jovi band t-shirt I cut into a cropped tank top and black ankle combat boots. I look in the mirror after applying my makeup, realizing I'm wearing the exact outfit I wore the first time I really met OG, when all of us met up and came back here to watch movies and I ended up falling asleep on OG's shoulder. I smiled at the memories before pulling my long, dirty blonde hair into a high ponytail because I was actually going to run to OG's place. I really need to get a car... luckily Christmas is coming up and all I ask for is money.


I ran all the way to OG's and to say I was out of breath was an understatement. I knocked on the door twice before bending forward and placing my hands on my knees, trying to breathe again.

OG quickly opened the door and before I could stand up straight and say 'hello', OG lightly pulled me inside and asked, "Mady, are you okay?!"

"I... can't... breathe..." I hit my back against the door and slid to the floor, "at... all."

"I'm going to take you to the hospital then. You probably have asthma or something. Did you actually run all the way here?"

"Yeah, I said I would... run and that... you would suffer the... consequences. I'm fine... I don't need to go... go to the... hospital." I still can't catch my breath but I don't want OG to take me all the way to the hospital.

I was picked up off the floor, bridal style. "I'm taking you to the hospital and you will deal with it," OG said firmly. "Then we'll come back here and cuddle," he smiles and kisses my forehead.


We left the hospital an hour and a half later to find out I actually did have asthma and it was nothing serious. We went back to OG's and cuddled and had many make-out sessions on his couch. I found out that the 'other stuff' he was talking about was making out.

We were relaxing in OG's bed silently for a while. He broke the beautiful silence that surrounded us, "So now you know what 'other stuff' is," he says casually.

"I guess I do," I tease by lightly nudging OG's arm that's draped around me with my elbow.

"So what are your plans for Christmas in a couple weeks?" OG asks, changing the subject completely.

"I was actually going to ask you if you and the boys wanted to come to mine and Amy's for Christmas, considering we didn't have plans," I suggest.

"Yeah, that'd be perfect. I get to spend Christmas with my beautiful girlfriend, Oscar gets to spend Christmas with his girlfriend, and I get to be with my best friends like always."

"That'd be great- wait, who's Oscar's girlfriend?"

"Amy... I thought you knew that...?"

"I guess she never told me... maybe she said it and I didn't hear it or I just don't remember..." I honestly felt so bad for not knowing Oscar and Amy were officially dating now.

"Hey, it's no big deal... you know now," OG smirks and holds my petite hand in his large hand.

I wish I could stay like this forever.

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