Chapter 8

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I woke up the next morning in pain, leaning against something that was not my pillow. That explains why my neck hurts so much. It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust to the morning light before I can actually move and try to comprehend why I slept so uncomfortably. I wake to realize that my ‘pillow’ is OG’s chest like it was last night.

I go to sit up and try to stretch and massage my neck but I guess my movement has caused OG to wake up because when I look at him again, he’s smiling at me. “Morning beautiful,” OG whispers. I try my hardest not to blush but it doesn’t work very well.

“Morning,” I shyly say before standing up slowly, “Do you think you could drive me back to my place?”

“Yeah, sure. Text Amy saying you’re on your way because she’s probably texted a lot asking where you were and she’ll probably have a bunch of questions for you when you get back,” OG smirks and winks as he straightens himself out after standing.

The car ride home was silent. Not an awkward silence, but a comfortable silence where no words needed to be said. I waved goodbye to OG as I exited his car and walked up the driveway to the front door. I looked back as OG started to back out of the driveway. He smiled a barely noticeable smile as he pulled away from the house and drove away.

I couldn’t even get the words ‘Amy, I’m home’ out of my mouth before she pushed both hands against my shoulders while pushing me against a wall. “Where the hell were you?!” she yelled, catching me completely off-guard.

“I was with OG, you know that!” I shot back, not caring.

“Why were you gone all night? I was freaking out!”

“We fell asleep in his backyard after watching movies. Which, for me, happens a lot,” I giggle.

“What happens a lot?” Amy questioned, clearly confused.

“That I fall asleep while watching movies,” I say as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world, which right now, it actually is.

“Oh, yeah. It is really funny ‘cause when we watch movies, you usually do fall asleep before the end of the movie.” Amy actually laughs and finally lets go of my shoulders.

“Unless I’m in a movie theatre, I usually fall asleep. It’s because I’m comfortable at home and movie theatre seats are uncomfortable so I don’t fall asleep.”

We spent at least ten more minutes talking about my weird habit of falling asleep during movies. When we stopped, we decided to eat some breakfast as it was only 8:00am and I haven’t eaten anything since last night.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing. I quickly run to my phone on the living room couch and check the Caller ID to see Omar’s name, number and picture.

“Hey Omar, what’s up?” I smile even though he can’t see me.

“Hey Mady, I was wondering if you and Amy wanted to come to our dance rehearsal today and watch?”

“Yeah, sure, we’d love to. Can I invite two other friends too? I think they’d want to meet you guys,” I ask, thinking of inviting Daisy and Amber.

“Yeah, sure. Invite a couple more people; we’d love to meet them.”

“Great, I’ll give them a call now,” I smiled, “Can you text me when and where we have to meet you?”

“Yup, see you around 11:00am. That’s the when by the way,” Omar said, sounding cheeky.

We hung up and I received a text from Omar with the address of a studio. I quickly called Daisy to ask if her and Amber wanted to come to the rehearsal. She answered after several rings.

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