Chapter 11

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Everyone decided to stay the night in the living room. Since OG broke a few ribs, I brought him back upstairs to my room so he can sleep in my bed; which is much more comfortable than a couch. I help OG down onto my bed and go to turn off the light and back downstairs to hang out with everyone else.

"You're not staying?" I hear from behind me. I turn around to see a confused OG looking at me with big puppy-dog looking eyes.

"I thought you'd want to sleep... but I can stay if you want me to," I smile and sit down across from OG, on the foot of my bed. "What do you want to do or talk about?" I ask him as I cross my legs under me.

"We can just talk and get to know each other better because I don't think we know that much about each other," he points out.

"That's true," I trail off. "Where should we start?"

"How about I ask you some questions first and you answer before we get into the whole story telling?" he smiles.

"Okay, sure," I smile because of OG's smile. It's contagious.

"Okay, let's start easy; favourite colour?"


"Favourite song?"

"Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran or Love Me Like You Do by Ellie Goulding."

"Thinking Out Loud is a good song," OG winks.

"Favourite movie?"

"Anything Tim Burton really," I laugh.

"Okay, now the 'story-telling' questions," OG smirks. "Where did you grow up?"

"I grew up in Forks, Washington before my dad got a job transfer to Seattle, where I met Amy. I was nine years old when he was transferred there. Amy and I became friends quickly when we met at school and have been inseparable ever since."

"That's cute," OG teases.

I can't help but blush and I don't even know why.

"Tell me about your family?"

"My parents aren't divorced; they've been married for twenty-one years but they've been together for twenty-five years. I'm the older of two kids, meaning, I have a younger sister that's fourteen and her name is Lucy," I smile at the thought of my family. I should Skype or call them soon to see how they are doing.

"Any previous relationships?" I wish he didn't ask that question.

"You're going to laugh at me so I don't want to say," I hide my face with my hands.

"I promise I won't laugh," he promises. I take a deep breath and uncover my face before answering.

"I've been in one relationship but it only lasted about a month so it doesn't count... so I haven't been in a relationship." I cover my face again to hide my embarrassment.

"Hey, don't hide your beautiful face; I want to stare and continue to admire my beautiful girlfriend. I'm not laughing at you and I don't care if you haven't been in a relationship before. I just don't understand how that's possible. You are beautiful and I don't know what kind of guys lived in Seattle but they are crazy for not liking you." I look at OG in the eyes to see if he's playfully teasing in any way but he isn't. He genuinely means what he's saying in this moment.

"Well, thank you for not laughing," I shyly smile and run my hands through my hair before pulling it into I high ponytail and securing it with a hair elastic I always keep around my wrist.

"You're welcome for not laughing," OG smiles before chuckling quietly to himself.

I carefully nudge OG's good foot with my hand. "Shut up," I playfully scold him.

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