Chapter 7

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I spent the entire drive looking out the passenger seat window of OG's car, watching the beautiful sunset. I had no idea where we were going. Even if I did, I wouldn't know because I've never been to LA before.

We finally stopped; we stopped in front of a house. I assume it's OG's house. "This is your house I assume?" I ask him.

"Yes, it is," he smiles.

OG gets out of the car from his side before walking over to mine and opening the door for me, like a gentleman. He probably did that to be cheesy.

I followed OG towards the house but he was starting to go around to the back instead of to the front door. I just silently followed OG. He led me to the backyard.

When we reached his backyard, I gasped. There were blankets spread on the ground with, at least, twenty pillows. There was a movie screen on the exterior wall with a projector set up behind the blankets. There was also beautiful circle, almost lantern-like, dim lights hanging above the whole thing.

"What's all this?" I ask, still in shock from what I saw.

"I invited you to hang out so we are going to lay on these pillows and blankets and watch whatever movies you want to," OG smiled at me. It wasn't his usual closed-mouth smile, it was a beautiful smile showing his teeth and how adorable that smile was. I couldn't help but blush at what OG put together out here; luckily, it was dark outside already.

"You didn't have to go through the trouble to do this OG, we could have stayed inside if you really wanted to."

"You don't like it do you?" OG asked, his smile fading and sounding sad.

"No, I love it! I'm just saying you didn't have to go through the trouble to set this up," I smiled and walked over to him and hugged him, "thank you."

"It's no trouble at all Mady, I thought it would be better than just sitting on a couch like regular people do. We need to be different!" he teased.

I couldn't help but burst out laughing at what he had just said about needing to be 'different', it was odd but hilarious. I just went along with the joke.

"We must be different!" I shouted and pointed to the now starry sky.

We both laughed and OG sat on the blankets. I just stood there, looking up at the beautiful sky filled with stars. He cleared his throat and when I looked at him, he pats the spot on the blankets next to him, motioning me to sit next to him.

I sat next to OG on the blankets and just looked at him. He looked at me and we just stayed like that for a minute; just looking at each other.

OG cleared his throat before speaking, "What movie do you want to watch?"

"I don't really care what movie, you can pick," I say as I cross my legs under me like you would in kindergarten on a carpet.

"You are the guest and I invited you over so you pick the movie," he says between laughs as I groan and move to pick a movie from the large pile of DVDs that OG picked out. There were movies like Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland, School of Rock, Harry Potter, Transformers, The Avengers, Tim Burton's the Corpse Bride, and Kung Fu Panda. I decided on the favourite movie of mine that I saw: Alice in Wonderland.

"OG, I need your help. I don't know how to set this up," I say almost embarrassed.

"It's a DVD, you put it in the player," he laughs.

"It's a projector and I don't know how to operate one," I shyly look down.

"Right, I forgot that honestly," OG lifts my chin so I'm looking at him again before he gets up and gets the movie working with the projector.

After about a minute, the movie started. OG came back and sat next to me before lying down on his back, against several pillows, with his hands behind his back. I stayed sitting cross-legged.

"You gonna stay sitting or are you going to lay down with me?" OG smirked, teasing.

I awkwardly lay down like OG is but keeping my arms crossed across to stomach instead of behind my head.

"So you picked Alice in Wonderland?" OG questioned.

"Yeah, it's one of my favourite movies. I love most Tim Burton movies actually," I giggled.

"Cute," OG whispered. I don't know if it was intended for me to hear so I just keep silent instead of calling him out on it and putting him on the spot. I hate when other people put my on the spot, it's a pet peeve of mine. I hate when people do that to me so I won't do it to other people.

"You've seen this movie right?" I ask OG as the movie starts and the previews end.

"Yeah," he answers.

"Favourite character, go!" I say quickly and laugh.

"Too many good characters to chose but if I had to chose, probably the Cheshire Cat. What about you?" OG answers before running his hand through his hair, avoiding the bandana on his head.

"Mad Hatter, no doubt," I answer, smiling.

"Why's that?" he sits up a little more.

"For starters, I really like Johnny Depp; he's one of my all-time favourite actors ever! I also like the character; he's quirky and weird and wears miss-matched clothes, part of his costume has a lot of stuff used for hat making: the pin cushion ring, the sash of thread bobbins, his makeup is odd and I love it, and he wears a cool hat." I took a deep breath after speaking for 'dramatic effect'.

"Valid answer," OG laughed before lying back down like he was before.

The movie was now playing and neither of us talked, we just watched it. I couldn't sit still for some reason. I can never sit still; I always have to do something, if it be tapping my foot or tapping my fingers on a table or my thighs.

Throughout the movie, I kept moving from my back to lying on my stomach; back and forth. I did this for the first hour of the movie. I'm surprised OG hasn't said anything about me moving around.

I was about to switch to lying on my stomach when OG finally said something.

"Come here and lay down," OG gestured towards him, where I was.

I move to lie in the position I was just in before moving, again.

"Not there, here," OG took my hands and moved closer to me so my head was now on his chest and he placed my hands on his chest as well. "This okay?" OG asked, unsure even though I was already lying on his chest.

"Yeah, this is fine," I say nonchalantly.

We finished the movie and I never moved from that position, resting my head on OG's chest and basically cuddling with him.

I honestly can't explain how I feel how I feel right now. I like Felix, I really do, but I also may like OG. I have no idea what my emotions are right now so I will just enjoy this moment right now and deal with the consequences of emotions tomorrow.

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