Chapter 20

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I love this; falling asleep in Olly's strong arms. I can't believe I'm going to spend the rest of my life with him; it's a dream come true. These thoughts run through my head as I fall asleep.


It was the beginning of the school year; the twins were now eight years old. It was their first day of grade two and I was dropping them off. "Goodbye, have a good day guys!" I shouted from the car window.

"Bye mommy! Love you!" my daughter shouted back.

"Bye mum!" my son shouted at the same time.

I drove out of the school parking lot and back home to relax. It was my day off so I had nothing planned. I unlock the front door and hear shuffling in the kitchen. I walk to down the hallway to the kitchen to see none other than my beautiful husband.

"Oh my gosh, you scared the crap out of me."

"That's not exactly the reaction I was expecting from being gone for 2 months," he stands straight and turns around. This isn't Olly, what is going on?! "How are you, baby?"

"I'm fine, how are you?"

"I'm good now," he smiles. "And how's our third little one on the way." I look down and see that I'm pregnant again. What?!

I scream in pain unexpectedly. "The baby's coming," I say, waiting for the pain to subside.


We make to the hospital quickly and we're taken to a room right away.

"You'll do great, baby, I love you Mady."

"I love you, too, Felix."


I woke with a start and sat straight up, panting and trying to catch my breath.

"Baby, are you okay? What's wrong?! Is something wrong with the twins?!" Olly asks, panicking.

"Sorry, it was just a bad dream."

"It's okay, baby, go back to sleep," Olly rubs circles on my back with his hand.

*Hours later, back in Seattle*

"Daisy texted me saying the not-so-secret party is at Amy's, Hannah's, and Mikayla's," I tell Olly when we get into his car in the parking lot of the airport.

"So, your old place?"

"Yes," I say quietly.

We arrive at my old house and I realize how much I've missed it. Not just from the short weekend at my parents' but also from moving in with Olly. I quickly wipe my eyes hoping Olly doesn't notice me lightly crying.

"What's wrong Mady?" He noticed.

"Nothing, being pregnant makes you emotional sometimes."

We walk into the house and everyone is gathered in the living room. "Hey," everyone shouts at the same time as soon as we close the door.

"Hey," I say shyly. Amy is the first to hug me, followed by Mikayla, then Hannah, Daisy, Amber and, lastly, Fikrete. Then I'm hugged by Omar, Felix, and Oscar. As I hug Oscar, I whisper into his ear, "Can I talk to you in the kitchen for a minute?" I feel Oscar nod and we walk into the kitchen.

"What'd you need to talk to me about?" Oscar asks when we're out of earshot from everyone else.

"Thank you," I simply say.

"Thank you?" his eyebrows slightly raise, meaning he is clearly confused.

"Thank you for everything; for not telling everyone I was pregnant right away, for staying with me that night; thank you," I smile.

"Oh, Mady, it was no problem. I'll always be one of your best friends," he says and hugs me again, "I am one of your best friends, right?"

I giggle, "Of course, Oscar."

We let go and walk back into the living room. "So, who got my old room?" I ask Hannah and Mikayla.

"That would be me," Mikayla slightly raises her hand.

"Can I see what you've done with it?" I've always appreciated interior design, Hannah and Mikayla know this.

"Of course, go right ahead," she smiles.

I slowly make my way up the stairs and walk into my other old bedroom. The walls have been repainted and there's all new furniture placed in the room. As I look around the room, I am startled by Felix's figure leaning against the door frame. I jump slightly, "You scared me!"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to," Felix apologizes.

"What are you doing up here?" I ask him as he walks into the room and closes the door behind him.

"I wanted to make sure you're okay," he smiles, "and I wanted to talk to you about something that has been bugging me for months."

"Okay, shoot..."

"Why aren't we together?" he asks suddenly.


"Why aren't we together?" Felix repeats himself.

"I don't know what you mean." Where is this coming from?

"What happened between us?"

"I saw you kissing- well, making out- with Fikrete and I thought we had something then... That's when it ended for me, but it clearly ended way before that for you," I bitterly say, recalling the memory.

"She kissed me!" Felix raises his voice.

"But you never stopped her," I start to cry again. I really hate being this emotional... "I saw you kissing her and I immediately ran the other direction because you honestly broke my heart when I saw that."

"I'm sorry Mady," he apologizes.

"You can't just apologize and expect me to forget that... That was the moment I knew it was over. I cried so much that I stopped running in the middle of a street; I could have died that day."

"You're not making much sense right now," he chuckles. "Wait, that's why you were in the middle of the road? Because I made you cry and broke your heart?"

I nod. "Yes."

"I know it's over between us now but I want you to know that not stopping Fikrete from kissing me was probably the biggest mistake I could have made at the time... I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend that night. I know it's over between us now though and I missed my chance."

"You don't have to lie about that... I know you like Fikrete. You should ask her out," I smile. "I know she really likes you from the sound of things," I giggle.

"I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry that I never got the chance to be with you like I wanted and it hurts me to see you with OG- I mean, Olly- I have to get used to that. Anyway, it hurts me to see you with him and pregnant with his kids when it could have been me but I'm happy for you all the same."

"I'm sorry for not explaining," I walk towards Felix and hug him. I've honestly missed this; I used to hug him all the time when we had a previous, and short, fling.

"You don't have to apologize," Felix whispers, still hugging me.

We stay like this, hugging and slowly swaying, for another minute before I release my arms from his torso, "I should probably go back downstairs with everyone." I walk towards the door and slowly open it.

"Wait," I hear Felix call behind me, "Just one more thing."

I turn around to face Felix and immediately feel his lips crash onto mine.

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