Chapter 13

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The next few days were a blur as Amy and I waited for Hannah and Mikayla to get here. We were too excited to see them but not as enthusiastic about cleaning our house so they would think we got better with cleaning. Plus, it's nice to have a clean house when you have friends visit; then again, when the boys come over, we don't bother cleaning because we end up making a mess anyway. Maybe we shouldn't bother cleaning the house...

I decide to kill time by 'watching' TV and texting OG. The TV is just on for background noise.

OG: What are you doing today?

Mady: Waiting for friends from Seattle to show up... they're visiting me and Amy :)

OG: Do I get to meet these friends from Seattle? ;)

Mady: Wanna come over and keep me company til they show up? I have an evil (but more funny) plan *evil laugh* ;)

OG: Okay, be there in a sec ;)

A moment later, OG came running through the door and collapsed on top of me on the couch, kissing my forehead then playfully, and being very cheesy, placing kisses all over my face and making his way down to my neck. Once he reaches my neck, he didn't move; he just kept leaving kisses along my neck.

"Hannah and Mikayla will be here soon," I say, trying to lightly push OG off me so I can get up, "OG, please stop." OG climbs off of me and pouts like a child who has just been told 'no' by his parents, "Later," I add, winking before placing a gentle kiss on his cheek.

"Kiss me again?" he asks. I kiss his cheek again.

"Not there... here," he corrects, pointing to his mouth.

"Fine," I groan. I quickly kissed his lips, like he asked.

"Okay, before they get here; my 'evil' plan is to just act like friends and say you have a girlfriend, that isn't me, and they'll feel awkward. It's a joke us four always used to do to each other. We loved pranking each other," I explain and laugh at the recollection of old memories. "Please play along?" I ask OG.

Before he can speak, I hear the doorbell three times, then three quick knocks on the wood door. This was the thing Amy and I did with Mikayla and Hannah when we would go to each others' houses all the time, before moving. I start walking towards the front door but OG grabs my wrist.

"I will do it... only if you kiss me once more to get me through it," he winks. I can't say no to him now. I kiss him once more before going to the front door and opening it to see a very excited Hannah and an equally excited Mikayla.

"Yo yo yo," I greeted my friends with our usual greeting and a massive group hug.

"We missed you guys!" Mikayla and Hannah say in unison.

"How was the trip here?" I ask, almost forgetting OG was still in the living room.

"It was okay but how about you? How's LA? Any new friends?" Hannah nudges me with her elbow and raises her eyebrows several times.

"LA's nice and yes. Amy is out with her new boyfriend, Oscar, I don't know where Felix and Omar are, and OG is actually in the living room," I smile.

We all walked into the living room to see OG dancing to music playing from his phone. It wasn't even marking a dance; it was full-out like he's performing it. His back is to us so he doesn't know we're watching him. I start lip singing along as Hannah and Mikayla exchange looks of confusion before looking back and forth between me singing silently and OG dancing.

Tonight we bring the party

Go crazy, get naughty

Just feel that heat inside the beat and get this party started

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