~Chapter 16~

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(hello and Goodbye Because I got nothing to say XD)

Everyone else=normal

Nightmare POV
I settled Ink on my bed, in the guest room.
The Queen ran to the side of the bed crying, I watched as her pity grew.
"Thank you Prince Nightmare, how can I ever repay you!" She said happily.

"Well I have two things you can do for me..."

Error POV
When I saw Nightmare carried Ink into tha castle...
I was worried for Ink, but I was disgusted by Nightmare.
He claims Ink is his, but I'm never gonna let him take Ink.

"Big announcement!" The queen said.
Dream, Blueberry, and Me quickly ran into the throne room.
When we got into the throne room, I immediately saw Nightmare standing by the Queens throne.

"My son will be Marrying Prince Nightmare by tomorrow's sunrise!" The Queen said.
Then...I felt as the world...became...slow motion....
I felt as....my crown....slipped off....it shattered into millions...

I woke up...in Nightmare's room.
This was probably a dream..I then took a look at my neck.
It wasn't a dream at all....Horror's bite mark was still there.
"So Inky your awake..." Nightmare said.
I looked at him as he approached me.

I nodded, and looked away.
"I have some good news Inky" Nightmare said, as he sat on the bed and pulled me towards him.
"What is it...?" I asked, he smiled and made me sit on his lap.
"Where getting married tomorrow" I froze, began to feel sick...

"And where having a little execution tomorrow too.." Nightmare said, as as he moved me closer to him.
"W-ho is getting executed...?" I asked...
"Your kidnappers..."Nightmare said.

"What! But they barely hurted me!" I said.
"Hm...Then how do you explain this..?" I felt Nightmare pulled down my scarf.
"You have a new bite mark, and it's definitely not from me" Nightmare said.

"They did nothing wrong!" I yelled, Nightmare ignored me as I felt him lick and kiss my neck.
"Say whatever you want, because that will means you'll have to get a new mark" then Nightmare pushed me onto the bed.
He then bit down on my neck, but this time he sank his teeth deeper into my bone.

His bite was more forced, he pulled away. I felt my tears fall from my face as he smiled at the mark.
"That bite would be probably permanent" he smiled, then he wiped my tears.
He then unbuttoned my shirt, "n-no!" I yelled as he pinned my arm onto the bed.

"Shhhhhh..." I felt Nightmare slowly licking up my rib.
I winced as I tried to at least get a free from him.
"N-night s-stop!" I yelled, he looked at me.
"Why should I? You like this too don't you Inky~" he said.
"B-but can we at least wait until where married..." I asked.

"Hm...Ink you should remember that we did this before..remember?" He asked.
Of course he took my virginity, but it didn't mean we had to do this now..
"Oh my!" Nightmare and Me turned our attention the door, it was my mother.

"Mother it isn't what you think it is!" I yelled.
"I should probably leave you kids be..Enjoy!" My mother quickly ran away, I managed to slip my arm out of Nightmare's grasp.
I quickly slipped under Nightmare, and ran after my mother.
While buttoning up my vest.

(R.i.p the most Awkward moment when your Parents walk in on you.
While you are *cough* DOING IT with someone))

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