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Tell me what you think, I obviously don't own the characters or story, and shout out to MVickery3.

Also, while I was not asked to do this at all, there is a Youtuber called Gimpesy, and they are going to start reading this story on their channel as a sort of, audio book I guess. If you're interested, go check him out and give him your support. 


"Is it possible to become a hero, even though I don't have a quirk?"

Izuku stood atop a tall building, with the no.1 hero and his idol, All Might.

"I'm a normal kid without any powers, but even so can I still become a hero like you?"

All might turned his head to look at the young boy. But before he could answer him he felt a sharp pain, causing him to bend over as smoke started to emit from his body. "No, not now, not here" he thought.

Izuku was looking down so he didnt notice this and kept talking telling all might a bit about what he had gone through and how despite what he was told, he still wanted to be a hero. "I want to be the kind of hero people look up to, just like you," he said finally looking up.

But he was surprised at what he saw. Standing before wasn't the same All Might he and the rest of the world knew but a skeleton of a man.

After freaking out for a minute or so All Might was finally able to calm Izuku down before explaining his situation and why it needed to be kept secret. After that All Might decided to answer Izuku's question.

"Pro heroes are always having to risk their lives, and some villains just can't be beat without powers, so no you can't be a hero."

Izuku was shocked and he felt something inside himself break. Everyone, even All Might himself, thought it was impossible for him to do it. All Might continued to explain but Izuku couldn't really hear him anymore and simply nodded to everything All Might said.

All Might began to walk towards the door that led downstairs. "Its not bad to have a dream young man, but make sure your dreams are attainable, realistic."

After he left Izuku continued to stand there for a while before he broke down and fell to his knees, crying. He stayed like that for a couple minutes, before getting up and walking towards the ledge. He set down his backpack, reaching inside and grabbing his hero journal. Inside was a list of notes he had taken from observing pros in order to prepare himself for the life of a hero but it was now nothing more then a painful reminder of what he couldn't achieve. He gave it one last look before tossing it off the side of the building, before grabbing his bag and down and on his way home.

On his walk home Izuku remembered all things people told him over the years. How he was useless and unwanted and that he wouldn't amount to anything. How his own mother didnt even believe that he could become a hero. And how earlier that day, his so called childhood friend told him to jump off a building and hope to be reborn with a quirk. Izuku stopped walking. "I should have done it while I was still up there," he thought. "Though that wouldn't be fair to mom. I should at tell her goodbye before doing that." He started walking again, drowning in his misery.

Izuku kept walking along, when he passed by an electronics store and saw through the window display a TV showing a disaster happening live near the building him and All Might talked. He was about to walk away when he saw the sludge villain who attacked him earlier and his childhood friend (read: bully). The villain had somehow escaped All Might and was currently wreaking havoc, while using Bakugou as a hostage. Izuku kept watching when he noticed something in the reflection of the window. He was smiling. He was happy that Bakugo was suffering and about all the destruction that was being caused. That for once, Bakugo would finally get the chance to see what it felt like to be weak and powerless. And this disgusted him.

He quickly started to walk away his head full of different emotions, not sure about what to think, but after seeing how he smiled at what was happening, he sank even deeper into sadness.

When he finally got home he quickly headed up to his room. He sat down in his bed trying to sort through his thoughts. He continued to do so even when he went down for dinner and still after that, but no matter how hard he thought, he couldn't figure out how he had found joy in what had happened. He finally decided to go for a walk to clear his head putting on a jacket, finally managing to stop thinking about what had happened.

That was when he realized that he wasn't paying attention to where he was walking, and that he had somehow ended up back at the building from earlier that day and everything came crashing back.

"How messed up can I be? Maybe Kacchan was right, maybe I should kill myself," he whispered.

"Well what would be the point in that?"

Izuku quickly turned towards a nearby alleyway where he heard the voice coming from. Standing there was a man in a bartender's outfit, with a body that looked like it was made of black smoke.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Kurogiri, and I would like to speak with you for a moment."

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