The Key to the End

Start from the beginning

"We will, as soon as she sees the psychiatrist we'll take her home."

"No, you can't take her home she'll find you there."



"You have to get Dawn as far away as you can. Get her out of town, out of state, hell get her out of the country if you can."

He's not making any sense.

I step up to him.

"And why are we doing that?"

He catches me off guard as he grabs me and shoves me up against the wall.

"If you don't, she'll find her and then we're all doomed."

I'm about to assert my slayer authority but Buffy beats me to it, grabbing him by the shoulders and pulling him off me. She throws him clear across the hall against the opposite wall and is on him in a split second, pinning him there. I walk up behind her as she starts interrogating him.

"If there's some reason why Dawn needs to get out of here then tell us but attacking us is not going to achieve that."

"What's going on Ben?"

He looks down at his shaking hands and gets a panicked look on his face.

"She's coming..."

Who's coming? Wait, he can't mean...


Buffy turns her head to look at me at the mention of Glory, taking her forearm off Ben's throat. Ben confirms the sudden fear in me and B.


He's connected to Glory?

Buffy finishes my thought out loud.

"How? How do you know she's coming?"

"I've been trying to keep her contained all day until I could figure out what to do. But it's too late, she's here..."


"Where is she Ben?"

He looks up at us.

"I'm sorry..."

I'm about to ask what he means when he changes into...

Oh my god, Glory.

I take a step back in shock.

"Hey kids, looking for a threesome?"

Before either of us can react Glory puts her fists together and double punches B in the stomach, knocking her into me and sending us both crashing through a wall and into a pile on the floor of a patient's room.

Everything is sort of faded as I feel the back of my head and my hand has blood on it.


I look at her lying on top of me.

She's unconscious and not moving and there's a huge cut on her forehead.


I try to move B off of me but the stinging pain on the back of my head makes everything darker.

Gotta, save, Dawn...

I manage to move B off me, but I try to sit up and everything goes black...

Glory's POV

Ugh, those slayers actually tried to touch me.

She Who Was My Love (girlxgirl) (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now