"Can you imagine putting together a pattern like this?" Dean asked impressed. "The different obits Dad had to go through? That man's a master."

Feeling the car pull over, she got out of her pouty mood.
"What's going on?" She asked

"We're not going to Indiana.." Sam tells them.
"Where not?" Dean and Darcey asked
"No, we're going to California." They're brother says
"Dad called from a pay phone.—with a Sacramento area code." Sam explains

"Sam—"  Darcey says, seeing where her brother was going with his sudden demand.
"Guys, if this demon killed mom and Jess, and Dad's closing in on it, we gotta be there." He tells them, looking at both of them "we gotta help."

"Dad doesn't need our help." Dean says
"Well, I don't care." Sam expresses
"He's giving us an order."
"I don't care."
"Sammy, please." Darcey says from the back. But like most fights the brothers have, her voice barely gets heard
"We don't always have to do what he says."  Sam yells
"Sam, dad is asking us to work jobs, to save people's lives. It's important." Dean shouts.
"I get it. I understand. Believe me. But I'm talking one week here, man." Sam tries "to get answers. To get revenge."
"Look, I know how you feel,—" Dean starts
"Do you, does Darcey?" Sam asked back "how old were you and Darcey when Mom died? Four?
Jess died six months ago. How the hell would you guys know how I feel?"

"Dad said it wasn't safe for any of us." Dean said
From her angle, she could tell that what Sam had said ruffled Deans feathers.
Hopefully, from where her brother sat, and because of the darkness the back seat provides, they couldn't see her tears.
"He obviously knows something that we don't. So if he says to stay away, we stay away. " Dean continues
"I don't understand the blind faith you guys have in the man. I mean, it's like you don't question him. "
"It's called being a good son." Dean shouted.
Shocked at her brothers words, she let out a small gasp.
"Dean—" she said to warn him he went too far.
With his brothers words, she watched as Sam got out of the car.
"Sam!" Darcey said climbing over the seat after him, Dean not far behind.
"Sam, come on." His sister begged.
"You're a selfish bastard you know that?" Dean told his brother
"Dean!" She said Putting herself in between the tall brothers, her hands on Deans chest.
-The how I see it, it helps that it's Jered ⬇️- (found on google!)

-The how I see it, it helps that it's Jered ⬇️- (found on google!)

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"You just do whatever you want, don't care what anyone thinks." Dean continues
"That's what you really think?" Sam asked.
"Yes it is." Dean answered.
Grabbing his bag from the trunk, she turns to his siblings.
Swinging his duffle on his shoulder, she says,
"Well, then This selfish bastard is going to California."
He turned and began to walk away.
"Sammy—" Darcey says moving forward. Dean pushes her back, stopping her from going after him.
"Come on,you're not serious." Dean asked
"I am." Was Sams words
"It's the middle of the nigh!" Darcey tried.
"I will leave your ass, you hear me?" Dean shouted
When Sam turns around, Darcey swelled with hope, only for it to be crushed by his words.
" that's what I want you to do."
Before turning around, he said,
"Sorry Darcey, tell Grayson I love him, okay?"
With a sad nod, she got in the passenger seat feeling like the first time her little brother left all over again.
She could see Sam walking away from the review mirror.
She looks over to Dean.
She could tell he was not in the mood for talking, and quite frankly, neither was she.
So, the two older Winchester's drove in completely silence as they made their way to the town.

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