Chapter 34 - Waves of love

Start from the beginning

Fuck, I forgot how much that shit hurt in the morning. I mean, it wasn't as bad as the time after Rays Party... by far. I mean, I was out, but he was probably... fuck.. well he probably wasn't gentle. And the day after the incident in the locker room, my whole body was acing from the beating, so I wasn't too focused on the pain down there. Romeo looked over to me, as he was about to put on his shirt, concern shown in his frown.

"Babe does it hurt?" he asked, walking over to my side, stroking my back. I took a deep breath, standing up, the pain shooting through me again. "Fuck... ugh don't worry baby, I'm fine, just.. a little sore, you know?" I smiled through the pain. Romeo placed a kiss on my cheek, before saying "Don't worry babe, it will probably get better in a few hours or so. Let's just stay in today and I will bring you everything you need, you don't have to move an inch." I chuckled. How cute was my boyfriend? He really cared for me, he always has. 

"No I'm fine, I will come downstairs with you, don't worry" I chuckled, carefully putting on my boxers, a shirt and some sweats. Romeo left the room in only some shorts and I rolled my eyes, as he obviously couldn't be bothered wearing a shirt. Well I wouldn't complain, I enjoyed that view quite so much, but I didn't want it to be so damn obvious, that we slept in less than pjs in front of my family. But my mom was probably already at work and Cody was maybe still asleep, since it was pretty early for the weekend. But when we got downstairs, my brother was already sitting at the kitchen counter, a mug with coffee in front of him. He looked like he hadn't slept all night. Normally, I would say it was the hangover, but he was sober last night, so... 

"Whoa man you look like shit, what happened?" Romeo asked, getting the ingredients needed for the famous Brooks pancakes. Cody stared into his mug, his eyes dead, like he had just come back from war. Now he was staring to worry me a bit, especially when he didn't answer my boyfriend. His eyes were wide, but also showed clear signs of sleep deprivation. Romeo looked also a bit worried about his best friend and stopped cracking eggs into a bowls to get a better look at him. "C-Cody?" I asked very worried now. Maybe dad had called again? Maybe it was something worse, but he looked like he had seen a ghost and couldn't believe what was reality and what was fiction any more. "Cody?" Romeo asked again. 

„I. Heard. Everything." he said, still starring wide-eyed into his mug. 

"W-What did you hear?" I asked a little confused. Especially when I looked over to Romeo to see him holding back a laugh. What the hell was going on?? "Please don't make me repeat it" he whined, now looking up and at Romeo. "You obviously get it, tell him!" Cody said, still looking upset and shocked at the same time. "What is going on?" I asked, still so fucking confused. How did Romeo understand it before I did and why was it so funny. 

Romeo cleared his throat, coming a bit closer, so he didn't have to talk so loud. "Blake he.. heh well.. heard us doing it last night" he said, almost unable to contain his laughter anymore. Every color drained from my face as the words registered in my brain. Oh. My. Fucking. God. Please kill me now. "Ew dude I heard that!" Cody whined. He truly looked like he had walked in on our parents having sex or something. "I thought you heard much more last night" Romeo smirked and now even I had to laugh, even if the whole situation was really really embarrassing for me as well. 

"Oh god I will never be the same again" Cody sighed, rubbing his tired eyes with his hands. "Wait - bro did... did mom hear?" I asked with wide eyes. Oh please god no, not my poor mother! I could never look her in the eyes again! God damn it, why couldn't we have just contained our sounds a bit... but it was such a great night! But still, if my mother would have heard us, that would be a new level of embarrassment. Cody scratched the back of his neck uncomfortably before answering "No, I don't think so. At least she didn't say anything in the morning when I saw her. For real, you guys were so loud it was.. ew, I just had to go downstairs to sleep on the couch. I mean, I could still hear.. the bed, but at least not all of the other sounds. But I guess mom was safe from all of that in her room down the hall. God damn it guys, please, just please, keep that shit down the next time! Or better yet, don't have a next time." 

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