When the brothers came back, they found out where the incident took place.

When Dean enters the car, he noticed something different.
Looking up, he sees a small crease.
Turning to his sister, he said,
"Did you let Grayson sit on the roof again?"

At the new house development place,
Driving a bit away, parking it beside where Travis said the hole was, they got out of the car.
Seeing the caution tape, the Winchester's began they're investigation.
"Huh, what do you think?" Dean asked.
"I don't know. But if Travis was right, it happened pretty fast." Sam said as they lifted the tape.
"So what, some sort of creature chewed on his brain?" Darcey asked, holding Grayson a bit close as they got closer to the hole.
"No, there'd be an entry wound" Sam said
"Sounds like this thing worked from the inside."

"Looks like there's only room for one." Dean said. "You wanna flip a coin?" He asked his siblings.
"Dean, we have no idea what's going on down there." Sam said.
Grabbing a green hose, Dean said, "alright, I'll go if you two are too scared.
Darcey looked to Sam, who looked at Dean, Instead of flipping a coin, the played rock-paper-scissors.
Sam ended up going in the hole.
Wrapping the hose around him, Sam told the twins,
"Don't drop me, Grayson, make sure they don't drop me."
His nephew nodded.

Back in the car,
Sam played with a beetle he found in the found.
"There were no tunnels, no tracks. No evidence of any other kind of creature down there. You know, some beetles eat meat. It's usually dead meat, but—"
"How many did you find down there?" Darcey asked
"It would take a whole lot more than that to eat out some guys brain." Dean said

"Well maybe there were more." Sam pushes
"I don't know." Darcey said
"Sounds like a stretch to me." Dean told them.
Sam shook his head. "We need more information on the area, the neighborhood. Whether something like this has ever happened before."
When they made they're was back to where they came from, Dean noticing red balloons, slowed down the car.
"I know a good place to start." He said

Looking to wire Dean is, Darcey couldn't help but smile at the thought of free food.
Sam gave his siblings a look.
"What, we can talk to the locals?" Dean said
"Right. And the free food has nothing to do with it?"
"Oh course not. We're Professional, right CC?"
"Definitely, oh come on Sam, let the man have his BBQ"

Pulling into a free spot at the side of the road, they got out of the car.

"Growing up in a place like this would freak me out." Dean said.
"Why?" Sam asked
"The manicured lawns, "how was your day, honey?" I'd blow my brains out."
Sam looked to Darcey,"that is a true Dean fact." She said.
"There's nothing wrong with Normal." Sam said shaking his head at the twins
"I'd take out family over normal any day." Dean said
Knocking on the door, a man in a tan suit and a blue shirt opens the door.
"Welcome." He said
"Is this the barbecue?" Dean asked politely.
"Yeah. Not the best weather, but..I'm Larry Pike, the developer here. And you are?"
"Dean, this is Sam, Darcey, and Grayson."
"So you Three are interested in Oasis Plains?" Pike asked
"Yes sir." Darcey said with a smile .
"Let me just say, we accept homeowners of any race, religion, color, or sexual orientation." He told them.

"That's my brother and twin sister," Dean says correcting Mr. Pikes assumption.
"Our fathers getting on in years. We were looking for a place for him." Sam explains.
"Great. Well come on in. Seniors are welcome too."

Leading them in the back yard, Darcey couldn't help it but laugh quietly, she soon held it in when Dean nudged her shoulder to be quiet.
"So you said you were the developer?" Sam asked
"Eighteen months ago I was walking this valley with my survey team. There was nothing here but scrub and squirrels. You know what, we built such a nice place to live..that I actually bought into it myself. This is our house." Pike explains
"We're the first family in Oasis plains. This is my wife, Joanie."
"Hi," she said shaking all of they're hands.
She looked at Grayson and gushed
"Oh my Isn't he just the cutest little thing!" Becoming shy, Grayson hid his face in the crook of her shoulder.
"Thank you." Darcey said.
"Tell them how much you love this place honey. And lie if you have to because I need to sell houses." Larry said jokingly to his wife.
Smiling, Joanie said,"right."
" boys, excuse me." Larry told them as he rushed away, leaving the Winchester's with the female Pike.
"Don't let his salesman routine scare you. This really is a great place."
A perky red head in a suit came forward.
"Hi, I'm Lynda Bloom, head of sales." She told them.
"Lynda was second to move in." Joanie said. "She's a very noisy neighbor, though."
They laugh, "she's kidding, of course." Lynda said to them
"I take it you three are interested in becoming homeowners?" She asked
"Well,—" Dean started
"Yeah, well—" Sam tries,
"Let me just say, that we accept homeowners of any race, religion, color, or sexual orientation." Lynda said happily.
Dean laughed,
"I'm gonna talk to Larry, okay sweetie pie's?" Dean said to his siblings
Staying with Grayson and Sam, As they wait for Dean, they listen to Lynda as she talks about her steam shower.
Holding Graysons hand, she feels him let go and she watches as he goes over to the end of the table Lynda is leaning on.
Her son picked up the tarantula.
Taking the spider from Grayson, making the curious boy pout, Sam sees who it must belong to.
Walking up the the boy in a white shirt, Sam hands it back to him.
"This yours?" He says
"You gonna tell my dad?" The kid asked
"I don't know. Who's your dad?" Sam asked.
"Yeah. Larry usually skips me in the family introductions." He says
"Ouch. First names basis with the old man. Sounds pretty grim." Sam says.
"Well I'm not exactly brochure material." He told Sam.
"Well hang in there. It gets better, I promise." Sam said to him.
"Matthew." Larry's voice comes threw.
"I am so sorry about my son and his pet." The old man said.
"It's no bother." Sam said.
"Excuse us." He said and whisked his son Awaya.
Sighing, Sam said,
"Remind you of anybody?"
Darcey frowned. It made her sad knowing Sam and her had two opiate options about their father.
Some how, Dean didn't get what Sam was hinting at.
"Dad?" Sam then explains
"Dad never treated us like that." Dean said
"Well dad never treated you like that. You  were perfect. He was all over my case.even sometimes Darcey's." 
Dean shook his head. Not believing him.
Looking to Darcey, Sam asked,
"Do you remember?"
Nodding, Darcey agreed "yeah." Maybe he had to raise his voice a little, bit sometimes you were out of line." Dean told Sam.
"Right, like when I wanted to play soccer instead of learning bowhunting. Or when Darcey and I on a hunt and she had a panic attack in the middle of it and dad made her kill a shapeshifter by herself and then yelling at her for almost getting him killed.?"
Turning to Darcey, because he's never heard that story before, and They tell each other everything, or at least he thought they did.
"That true?" Dean asked his sister who was holding a sleeping Grayson.
She nodded slowly. She only didn't tell Dean because it would make him see they're father in a different way, and she knew he would overreact.
"Look, whatever. How was your tour?" Sam asked, changing the subject.
"It was excellent. I'm ready to buy." Dean said sarcastically. "You might be on to something. Looks like Dustin Burwash wasn't the first strange death here."
"What happened?" Darcey asked Dean, not taking his eyes from Sam, meaning he was ignoring her,
He said,
"A year ago, before they broke ground..one of Larry's surveyors dropped dead on the job. Get this: a severe allergic reaction to bee stings."
"More bugs." Sam says
"More bugs." Dean confirmed nodding his head.

Embrace The Flames // BOok 1 जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें