I sit on the couch facing them as she gets on the bed trying to wake up Brad "Mhmmm, Sienna it's Sunday, daddy needs to sleep on sundays" he manages to say as she plays with his face too

"Yesss you say we go to eat nonughts today" she argues "I know that honey but it's 7 in the morning....there are no doughnuts shops open for now"

"Oooh you mad?"

"No I'm not mad babe, I just need some sleep." He pulls the cover back on his head as Sienna gets off of him "Uh uh mister, there's no way I'm the only one sleep deprived here"

I start throwing almonds on him until he reacts, making Sienna laugh hysterically "Jen are you being for real??"

"What? She likes it...see" I smirk looking at Sienna "Again mama"

"See I told you" I throw another one this time hitting his forehead "I swear you're lucky you're sexy"


"No Sienna , you cannot say that, it's a bad word very very bad....see what you do??? Now she's gonna say it all the time Brad"

"Don't worry she'll forget soon, if we don't say it anymore"

"Dada say sexyyyyy!"

"Hey lady, don't say that" I throw a little almond at her, making her laugh even more until she falls over Brad "Do you realize our daughter laughs for absolutely no reason? I love that she sees things in such a happy way"

He lifts her up on his feet making her squeal "Mama heeeelp"

"Do you want me to save you honey?"

"Yessss dada stoooop!" She continues laughing until I pick her up and lay her next to Brad.

"I sit here mama" she climbs up on my belly "Okay you sit here, but can you not lift my shirt please?"

"I seeeeee!"

"You want to see what?"

"Your belly...big belly baby"

"No honey there's no baby in here...just toasts"

"Ayeen baby?"

"Yesss Aleen has a baby in her belly, mama doesn't"

"Little baby- oh! mama, ouchie!" She points at my belly looking hurt herself "What? you have an ouchie? Did You hurt yourself baby?"

"Noo mama ouchie!"

"Jen she's talking about your stretch marks haha"

"Ooooow no honey haha. This doesn't hurt, not at all"


"No, those came out when you were in my belly, but it doesn't hurt"

" Why I hurt you mama?"

"No no you didn't baby"

"You just needed more room to grow in mama's belly "
"Yesss and I play, and I dance, and I watch Elmo! Aaalllll in mama's belly"

"Well that would explain all the kicking during the nights....but then you came out!"

"Yaaaay!" She starts clapping "I wish you were clapping like that when she was coming out of you"

"Yeah I know me too"

"I go out here?" She puts her little finger in my belly button "Haha no baby"

"No you came out of mama's-"

"Brad, babe don't tell her that!" I whisper

"What, she's gonna know one day anyway"

"Were you actually gonna say the word?"

"Well maybe your vajayjay?"

"Oh my god noooo she's two honey"

"Okay Sisi you came out from there" he laughs pointing at my crotch "It's not better Brad"

"Shhh she understands"

"Here?" She now looks at me, absolutely not understanding a thing

"Yes, after three owies you came out"

"Okay mama"

"See, she got it" I roll my eyes before kissing him "Mama me too"

"You want a kiss? To me or dada?"

"Dada...Emo kiss"

"She's such a daddy's girls...before tho her Eskimo kisses are more waterfall kisses"

"You're just jealous of us"

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