Going over to Sam, he helped his brother get un tied.
"Maybe, he needs to keep us alive." Darcey guesses.
"For the psychic connection." Dean said, uniting Sams hands.
When Sam is free, he gives his sister a quick hug.
"Come on, we gotta go. He's probably at Rebecca's already."

When they bust out, Sam tells them,
"We gotta find a phone, call the police."
"Whoa, your gonna put an APB on Dean?" Darcey said to Sam.
"Sorry." Is his reply.
"This way."
Running, Darcey forgot all about her stab wound.
"Ah!" She said and placed her hand to her stomach.
The brothers turned to her, "what? Are you okay?" Sam asked.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine, let's go!" She said she was going to push threw this and save Rebecca.


Watching the news report on Dean, standing in front of a few tv's out side a store, Darcey, who was now stitched up, thanks to Dean, stood holding her brothers arm.
"Man, that's not even a good picture." Dean said.
"It's good enough." Sam said.

Finally walking away, the Winchester's went to look for the monster in question.
Laughing a bit when Dean stepped in a puddle, she stopped when he shoved her.
"They said attempted murder. At least we know—"
"I didn't kill her." Dean defended himself.
"I'll check on Rebecca in the morning." Sam told them.
"First I'm going to find that handsome devil and kick the crap out of him" Dean said angrily
"We don't have weapons. No silver bullets." Darcey reminds them.
"That guy is walking around with my face. It's personal. I wanna find him."
"Okay, where do we look?" Darcey asked. "We could start with the sewers." Dean said.
"We have no weapons." Sam reminds his brother again.
"He stole our guns. We need more. The car."

"I bet he drove it over to Rebecca's" Dean said. "The news said he fled on foot, I bet it's still parked there." Sam concludes.
"Ah man, my car." Darcey said with a pout.
"My car. Just the thought of him driving it" Dean says.
"Let's go."


When they reached Rebecca's house, they saw the car.
Making their way over, the sounds of cop cars filled the air.
"Oh come on!" Dean said. They were surrounded.
Sam pulled Darcey with him and forced Dean to flea.
"What are you doing?" Darcey asked, looking to where her brother went.
"They can't hold us. Just trust me, okay?" He asked. She nodded. Not liking this plan one bit.
When the officer clicked his gun, Sam and Darcey put their hand up.

At Rebecca's, Sam and Darcey say on her couch. Darcey nurses a beer.
"Say the shapeshifter is real, by the way, you know you guys are crazy. But, say it is real. How do you stop it?"
"Silver bullet to the heart." Darcey answers.
"You are crazy." Feeling a pain in her head, Darcey looks to Sam before she passes out.


When they woke up, they were once again tied up.
Darcey was starting to get sick and tired of the feeling of rope. It brought back to many memories.
"What are you going to do to us?" Sam asked the dark Dean.
"Im not going to do anything. Dean will though." He reply's. "They'll never catch him." Darcey said.
"Oh, it doesn't matter. Murder in the first of his own brother and sister? He'll be hunted the rest of his life."

On the floor beside Sam, Darcey cold feel the tears as they roll down her face.
"I have to say, I will be sorry to lose this skin. Your brother's got a lot of great qualities. You should appreciate him more than you do. Cheers." The shapeshifter said, taking a sip of whatever alcoholic drink was In his cup.

He then grabbed a knife. Darcey was really freaking out now, but suddenly, Sam lifted his leafs up and kicks the Dean double, making him topple over.
Sam then grabbed the knife that the shifter had stabbed into the backboard of the bed.
He cut him self free and began to fight him.
This gave Darcey the opportunity to try and get the ropes off.

When she eventually did, Sam and fake Dean still fighting.
She could hear the grunting and slight murmur of talking. Taking a lamp, she rushed to where he was standing over Sam and hit him with it, only making it angry, before he could begin to fight with her,
she heard gun shots, she moved out of the way. Turning around, she saw Dean.
Going over to him, she passed Becky who was going to Sam.
Putting her arms around her brother, Darcey breathed out a sigh. Knowing that this was over and that there would be no more Dean doubles.
"Are you okay?" Dean asked into her head as they hugged.
"Yeah." She whispers.
"Are you?"
"I'm good." He reply's.
Darcey let go of Dean and went to Sam. She helped him up. Then, they both watched as Dean took the necklace off the shifters neck.
For some reason,
She checked her neck, only to feel the butterfly necklace that Sam and Dean gave her still on.

This was all over.

At the car, dean pulled out a map. Darcey was against the car as Sam and Becky came out of the house.
"So this is what you do? You and your brother and sister, you hunt these kinds of things?" Becky asked.
"Yeah, pretty much." Sam said back.
"I can't believe it." She said. "I mean I saw it with my own eyes, and I mean, does everybody at school—?
No body knows that you do this?" She asked.
"Did Jessica know?"
"No, she didn't."
"Must be lonely."
"No, no, it's not so bad. I mean anyway, what can you do? It's my family."
"Well we miss you at school. Everyone does."
Darcey watched as Becky hugged Sam. The twins waved back when Becky did.
They watched her walk back into the house.
Sam made his way back to the car.
"So, what about your friend Zach?" Dean asked.
"The cops are blaming this Dean Winchester guy for Emily's murder. The found the murder weapon in the guys lair,Zach's clothes stained with her blood. Now they're thinking that maybe the surveillance tape was tampered with. Yeah, Becca says Zach will be released soon." Sam finish's.

In the car, Darcey asleep in the back.
Dean looked to Sam.
"Sorry man." He said.
"About what?"
"I really wish that things could be different. I wish you could just be..joe college." Dean said.
"Ah, it's okay. You know, truth is, even at Stanford, deep down, I never really fit in."
"Well that's because you're a freak." Darcey said sleepily.
Turning his head to her, he replied,
"Yeah, Thanks."
"Well I'm a freak too. And Dean, especially Dean." She said to them.
"Well, I'm right there with you freaks, all the way." She adds.
"Yeah, we know you are"
"Well, I gotta say, I'm sorry I'm gonna miss it."
"Miss what?" Sam asked
"How many chances am I gonna have to se my own funeral?" Dean asked
Laughing, Darcey eventually let sleep take over.

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