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tw: uncensored swearing

Patton and Virgil had been rehearsing for hours. They were both sweaty, the blazing Florida heat coming from the rather large window was not helping. Patton had called a break so he could get some water, but Virgil continued to work on his step.

He hadn't eaten anything that morning and he was far too caught up in rehearsal to break for water and he was starting to feel the side affects of his poor decision.

The world swayed beneath his feet. He took an unsteady step forward in an attempt to delay the inevitable. Black spots danced across his vision. He fell quickly to the floor, landing with and ungraceful thud. His ears were ringing, blocking out Patton's voice.

Virgil fought for control over his body, but whatever it was that he was fighting was much stronger than he, and ended up beating him rather easily. He fought the grasp of unconsciousness as he tried desperately to convey to Patton that he was okay and that they could still rehearse, but it caught him suddenly, pulling him into the dark void of torpor.

In the waking world, Patton was panicking. He splashed water on Virgil's face. After a few seconds, he dialed Roman's number.

Roman picked up after two rings.

"Hey Pat, what's up?" Roman's voice was calm and relaxed.

"Studio three, performing arts hall. Something's wrong with Virgil." Patton's voice, unlike Roman's, was quick and panicked.

There was shuffling and the sound of keys on the other side of the line.

"Alright, hang on. I'll be there in a minute." Roman murmured.

The line went dead in Patton's ear and he heard a quiet groan.

"Virgil?" Patton asked.

Virgil grunted in response.

There were frantic footsteps approaching the door to the studio before it was forcefully pushed open.

"Where is he?" Roman's eyes were blown wide and his breath was quick. He had ran all the way to the performance art practice hall from his dorm.

Patton made a hand motion to the floor in front of him where Virgil lay.

"Ro?" Virgil murmured.

"What the hell happened?" Roman was quick to Virgil's other side. His voice was snappy and harshly protective.

"I-I don't know." Virgil whined, scared at Roman's tone. "I was just going through the moves and then I got dizzy and I felt lightheaded and now we're here." Patton helped Virgil sit up, letting his purple haired friend lean against him for support.

"Drink some water." Patton offered Virgil his water bottle.

"No thanks Pat, 'm not thirsty." Virgil was quick to turn Patton down.

"Drink the water." Roman's voice grew softer.

"Fine." Virgil muttered, taking the bottle from Patton's hands.

"I think that's enough rehearsal for today Virge." Patton smiled sympathetically at his friend.

"What? No!" Virgil objected quickly. "I'm fine, I promise!"

dance with me // prinxiety college auOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora