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Virgil found himself restless that night.

He had let his mind whisk him away into the endless, and slightly worrisome, thoughts that burned vividly in his head throughout the day.

Thoughts of his hair, how supportive his friends had been, and the most recurring one, thoughts of the flirty barista who expressed genuine interest in wanting to get to know him.

He tossed and turned in his bed, noticing that Remus was also still awake.

Remus was sitting up on his bed, laptop in his lap. He typed furiously on the keyboard and stared at the screen with a wicked smile.

Virgil figured that his roommate had probably come up with another stupidly cursed thought to put up on his Tumblr blog, which Remus had renamed virgilsleftshoelace a little while after they met.

Seeing as his roommate was paying too close attention to the laptop and had basically drowned out the rest of the world, Virgil deemed asking Remus for cuddles as impossible, so he let himself continue his constant tossing and turning.

He settled once more, finding a comfortable enough position, and found himself once more thinking back to the conversation with the charmingly flirtatious barista.

Virgil didn't understand why this was happening to him now and he just wanted the thoughts about Roman to stop.

Frustrated tears gathered in the corners of his eyes and he huffed.

The purple haired man sat up, burying his face in his hands. His movement had drawn attention from his roommate who looked at him worriedly.

"Is something the matter?" Remus asked, he knew he'd have to tread rather lightly if he wanted to get anything out of his friend at all.

Virgil nodded, not speaking.

"Would you like to talk about it?" Remus asked slowly.

Virgil shook his head no.

Remus expected that reaction, but he knew exactly what to do to get him to talk regardless of the man's answer.

Remus moved the laptop off his lap, closing it and setting it on his bed to get lost amongst the sheets and blankets. He got up, crossing the small divide in between his and his roommate's bed.

The taller man sat near his friend, keeping a relatively calm stance and open posture.

"It's alright, darling." Remus cooed. "It's alright to cry. Crying is healthy." He held his arms open for his roommate who practically threw himself towards the man.

Virgil hiccuped, burying his face in Remus's shoulder and wetting the man's shirt with tears.

"That's right, darling. Let it all out." Remus's voice remained steady and gentle.

By the time Virgil had finished crying, Remus's shoulder was thoroughly soaked and the man was petting Virgil's hair. He allowed them to fall into a comfortable silence for a few minutes before he finally asked.

"Would you like to tell me what's got you so worked up?"

Virgil sniffled before quietly murmuring, "it's your brother."

Remus wasn't completely surprised, he knew that Virgil would have a run in with the eccentric theater student eventually. He was curious though as to what Roman had done to upset Virgil to this extent.

"What did he do, darling?" Remus asked, his voice remained steady and he did his best to keep his curiousness out of his tone.

"H-he said that h-he wanted to," Virgil paused, hiccuping, "he wanted to get to know me."

Remus was confused momentarily before asking for clarification.

"My brother told you that he wanted to get to know you and that's why you're upset?"

"I'm not upset, Ree. I'm confused. Why would he want to get to know me?" Virgil asked.

"Roman takes interest in a strange assortment of people, Virgil. He made it his life goal to try to get to know everyone that crosses his path that even remotely interests him." Remus explained. "Let me guess, he was being flirty and that put you off?"

Virgil nodded and Remus sighed.

"That's just how he is most of the time."

"He called me cute!" Virgil squeaked.

"Though I do understand where he is coming from, I'll tell him off. He needs to know that flirting makes you uncomfortable, especially after, uh, him." Remus's voice trailed off and Virgil held onto his roommate a little bit tighter, whimpering quietly. "Hey. Hey, don't worry. He won't be back for a long time. It's okay." Remus felt like he was trying to convince himself more than the man holding onto him.

But it was a fact, Virgil's ex-boyfriend had been put behind bars and was meant to stay there for a rather long time. Virgil was safe. It was a hard topic to talk about for all of Virgil's friends, especially after experiencing firsthand how bad he had been to Virgil. Just the thought of the man made Remus's blood boil.

After a few moments of silence, Virgil spoke.

"H-hey, Ree?"

"Yes darling?"

"I think that," Virgil inhaled shakily, "I think that I want to get to know him too."

"That's good, darling. He's a good man." Remus knew that they'd be good for each other.

Roman was patient and caring, those were two of his defining traits, and it just so happened to be that Virgil just needed a little bit of time and affection to find his way back out of his protective shell.

"Thanks, Ree." Virgil breathed out.

"Of course, darling. Get some sleep now, I'll be here when you wake."

// an

technically it is wednesday..

also, i dare you to look up virgilsleftshoelace on tumblr, you'll be pleasantly surprised to find that i've been hiding this beautiful cursed knowledge blog from you since i started the writing process for this book.

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