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When Virgil woke, he noticed that Remus wasn't cuddling with him in his bed, but rather across the room, getting dressed.

"I've got classes today, darling." Remus explained.

Virgil responded with nothing more than a yawn.

"Alright Virgey, I have to go now. Have a good day!" Remus smiled gently at the man, still trying to wake up. He slipped his backpack straps over his shoulders and left the room, shutting the door gently.

Virgil grabbed his phone and dialed Patton's number. He felt oddly motivated today and he didn't want to waste this rare opportunity.

Patton answered after three rings.

"Mornin', kiddo!" Patton's voice was cheery, as usual.

"Hey, Pat. Can we meet at the studio today? I think I'm ready for that next step."

Patton pause for a moment then spoke. "Of course, kiddo!"

"I know it's kind of spur of the moment, but I'm sure studio six will be available." Virgil continued to ramble about how it was tucked away on the second story of the performing arts hall and how nobody really used it.

"Yeah Virge, I'll meet you there," Patton paused, "let's say in an hour?"

Virgil heard a faint, "is it really Virgil on the phone? Tell him I said hi!" In the background of wherever Patton was.

"Roman says hi." Patton giggled.

"Tell him I'll come see him later." Virgil replied.

"He says he'll come see you later!" Patton's voice was distant as he called out to Roman.

"Alright, Pat. I'll see you soon."

"Okay Virge. Buh-bye!" Patton's voice was just as energetic as when he had first picked up the phone.

Virgil stood up, this was going to be a good day.

// about an hour later //

Virgil was waiting outside of studio six, which, as he had suspected, was the only open dance studio left. He peeked from around the corner once more, seeing Patton approach.

"Hey, Pat." Virgil greeted his friend.

"Hi, kiddo. I hope you weren't lying when you said you think you're ready." Patton's smirk was unmistakable.

"Huh? Why?" Virgil asked.

Roman popped his head around the corner.

"Because I brought company to watch!" Patton giggled uncontrollably.

"Lovely." Virgil set his jaw to keep himself from saying anything too harsh. He shot the theater kid a look, silently telling him he wasn't welcome here.

"C'mon, kiddo. I'm excited!" Patton grabbed Virgil by the wrist, pulling him through the door into the large room.

Roman followed them, entering the room. He looked around in surprise, he had never been in any of the practice studios before, most of his classes and lessons happened on the auditorium stage. The room was lined wall to wall, ceiling to floor with mirrors. This was incredible.

Virgil and Patton both dropped their backpacks off to the side of the room, Virgil opening his phone and connecting it to Patton's bluetooth speaker. Roman sat off to the side with their stuff. He didn't want to get in the way. After all, Virgil wasn't necessarily happy with him being here anyways.

A few songs played while the dancers stretched and then Virgil spoke.

"Hey Siri, play In Between."

The phone loaded for a second before the song started, the two dancers assuming their positions, back to back with each other.

"Pray for me Pat, I'd hate to hurt myself." Virgil joked in a sing-song voice.

Roman guessed that it was some kind of forbidden jinx in the dance world that he didn't know about and chuckled to himself as Patton gasped.

"Virgil! You can't just say stuff like that!"

Once the lyrics started and they began to move they didn't speak, only made eye contact with each other. Their routine was very sync and only consisted of two or three parts where Virgil would break from Patton and perform some graceful ballerina-like flip or spin.

To Roman it seemed very complex, but to Patton and Virgil it was just a mixture of steps and spins.

This was what the pair was putting forth for one of their major projects of the semester. When their instructor had assigned it they said it had to be a three minute or longer routine consisting of simple beginner moves to any song of choice.

Virgil had picked the song and Patton had constructed the general structure of the routine and they had about a month before they had to perform it.

They were doing rather well, the only problem had been Virgil's inability to take the step that had been haunting him for the past few days, but they had just gotten past that and they were able to get through roughly the whole routine with only a couple of missteps in total. Roman clapped loudly when they had finally finished, the grin on his face wide.

"Thanks Princey, but we're not done yet. There's still a lot of picking left to do before it's perfect." Virgil smiled tiredly at Roman.

"Let him applaud, we did really good for it being the first full run-through." Patton scolded Virgil playfully.

Roman longed for something like what they had, and, if he was being completely honest to himself, he felt somewhat jealous that Patton got the privilege of working with Virgil like they did. He was slightly jealous of Patton and how he got to touch Virgil as he did. He wanted to be able to have that with Virgil, and hell, he'd only just met the guy!

Roman had to leave after their fourth run through of the routine and Virgil promised to meet him at the coffee shop later that afternoon to talk. They had even exchanged numbers.

Patton couldn't help but smile as his friend nervously fidgeted while Roman entered his number in Virgil's phone.

He was happy for Virgil, he knew it would take his friend a while to fully warm up to the energetic barista, but the process was starting and that meant it was only a matter of time.

// an

you guys are so lucky that the, "I don't know who needs to hear this, but it's Wednesday," post got on my tumblr dash, I almost forgot

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