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tw: uncensored cursing, remus and dee relieving their tension, panic attack

Virgil's night with Roman had been unplanned, but he had had a lot of fun.

He didnt expect that when he got home though that his roommate would be relieving the tension he had spoken about between him and his little clarinet playing boy toy.

Virgil was stunned when he walked through the door to find Remus pinned to his bed, hands held above his head by the wrists while a rather small man straddled his hips.

"Remus! What the fuck?" Virgil screeched.

"Take Dee's keys, they're on your desk." Remus cried out as the man on top of him gripped his wrists rather tightly.

"Take 'em and get lost." The person's, Dee's, voice sounded like a hiss and it gave Virgil chills.

"Fine, but we are so discussing sex in our shared dorm room later!" Virgil grabbed the keys, his phone charger, and his backpack before slamming he door with a loud bang.

Virgil silently thanked whatever god that was up there that the two hadn't gotten any further before Virgil had arrived and he pled to the god that whoever, if anyone, awaited him at Dee's dorm wasn't going to get any ideas.

Once he had found the music education student's dorm room, it was a building over on the third floor, he fiddled with the keys before unlocking the door and opening it slowly.

"Hello?" He didn't mean for his voice to squeak, but he really couldn't help it. This wasn't even his building! Who knows what was behind this door?

What he found surprised him.

Roman was sprawled out on one of the beds of the room, one had a simple yellow comforter and the other had a red one with a lot of decorative pillows and blankets, reading a thick stack of stapled together paper.

Roman looked up, gazing questioningly at Virgil.

"Do come in, I didn't think I would have the pleasure of seeing you this soon after our night out." Roman smiled gently at the purple haired boy.

"They're fucking in my dorm room!" Virgil squeaked, stepping in a shutting the door behind him. "Dee told me to take the keys and get lost."

Virgil shuddered with memories of the overwhelmingly threatening hiss the clarinet player had made.

"Oh my lords, you poor thing." Roman made a face of distaste. "It'll be alright, I've walked in on it too." Roman sat up and opened his arms for Virgil, who tackled him in a hug rather quickly.

The two had gotten closer during their not-dates, and, more often than not, they could be found holding hands.

Roman wrestled Virgil into the bed with him, and, in the end, pinned Virgil down against the mattress and numerous soft blankets. He looked Virgil in the eyes, searching for any sign of resistance and Virgil nodded at him, blinking lazily.

Roman supported himself with his hands and knees, leaning down close to Virgil's face and whispering into the purple haired boy's ear.

Virgil whimpered in a pathetically needy fashion, squirming under the theater student.

"Look at you, all pretty and needy for me." Roman growled playfully in Virgil's ear.

Virgil's desperate whining stopped almost instantly and his eyes became distant as if he was reliving something horrific. He was in fact reliving one of the rougher nights with his ex, but Roman didn't know that.

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