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tw: uncensored swearing, drinking (at the end)

When Patton and Virgil arrived at the shop, Logan's shift was almost over and the place was quite empty.

Virgil did notice a new kid standing behind the counter looking concentratedly at one of the machines.

"Hi Logie!" Patton's voice was cheerful when he spotted his boyfriend.

"Hi Pat, hello Virge." Logan greeted the pair.

"Hey, Lo." Virgil responded.

"I gave the new guy your usual order. Perhaps you'd like to go speak to him?" Logan suggested.

"Thanks, Lo." Virgil replied, digging in his pocket and pulling out some cash. He handed it to Logan.

"Of course."

He walked away from his friends toward the spot across the counter from the new guy.


The new kid looked up, meeting Virgil's eyes. "Well hello." His tone was rather flirty and Virgil rolled his eyes.

The kid reminded him of someone, he couldn't quite put his finger on who though. Something about the kid's face was awfully familiar.

"If you're going to be like that, I'm going to go back and just stay with Patton." Virgil responded dryly, ignoring his sudden urge to ask the boy's last name.

"I will not apologize as you are very cute and I just so happen to like very cute boys." The kid rebutted with a wink.

Virgil rolled his eyes once more, turning to leave.

The kid spoke before he could walk away.

"Wait! I'm Roman. It was terribly rude for me not to introduce myself, and for that I will apologize. I'm sorry." Virgil eyed the new kid warily. The kid, Roman, looked somewhat regretful and Virgil decided he'd go easy on him this time.

"Whatever, just hurry up. I've been rehearsing almost all day and I really fucking need a coffee." Virgil grumbled.

Roman nodded, refocusing on his task.

Roman slid the coffee across the counter to Virgil when it was done.

"Can I get your number?" Roman asked, his eyes were sparkly and he wore a stupid grin.

Wow, Virgil thought, this kid is very straightforward. Looks awfully hopeful too.

"No." Virgil responded simply. "It's gonna take a hell of a lot more than a coffee to get my number."

Roman frowned for a second before regaining his stupid grin.
"Worry I shan't, I'll simply have to do more next time." Roman declared.

Oh yeah, definitely a theater kid. Virgil smirked to himself.

Virgil sat down at a table, unzipping his bag and pulling out a green notebook.

Remus had given it to him. They called it the Shit List. It held the names of people the two disliked and how the person wronged them.

He counted the pages as he flipped through, looking for the next blank line. He had counted eleven pages before he found a line. He pulled a pen from his pocket and wrote.

Roman (flirty barista) - tried to get my number after one coffee. stereotypical theater dork.

Logan and Patton sat at a table a few away from Virgil, Patton was laughing and Logan smiled lovingly at the energetic dance student. He enjoyed seeing the two so happy with each other after their many years of mutual oblivious pining.

Virgil was surprised when someone slid into the seat in front of him.

He looked up at the person, his soft brown eyes meeting light, whiskey colored ones.

"Go away." Virgil hissed, scrambling to shut the green notebook before the barista noticed his own name on the page.

"But I want to get to know you!" The barista, Roman, exclaimed.

"No, you don't. You think I'm cute and probably just want to get into my pants." Virgil's voice was harsh as he shoved the notebook back in his backpack, standing and slinging the bag over his shoulder.

Virgil turned to walk away, stopping briefly at Logan and Patton's table.

"I'm gonna go, Pat. I'll text you when I get back to my dorm." Virgil mumbled, he glanced over his shoulder and caught sight of a rather guilty looking Roman.

Patton and Logan bid him farewell and he walked out of the shop, not chancing another glance behind him.

There was the sound of a bell, and, yet again, the voice of the whiskey-eyed barista.

"I'm sorry if I gave off the impression that I only wanted to sleep with you!" Roman shouted, Virgil stopped in his tracks. This kid was going to publicly humiliate himself just to apologize to him. "I do hope you'll allow me to get to know you. Genuinely. You seem like an interesting person!" The barista finished.

"I'll think about it, Roman."  Virgil said, glancing over his shoulder at the theater kid who was standing about ten feet behind him in the middle of the fairly empty sidewalk.

"Thank you." The barista said.

Virgil muttered a quick, "whatever," before continuing on his way.

When Virgil got back to his dorm, which hadn't been a very long walk from the shop, he was greeted by his roommate.

"Where the hell have you been? You had me worried." His roommate, Remus, asked.

Remus was sitting cross legged on Virgil's bed. His phone sat face up nearby, just in case he were to receive any calls or texts, and a green octopus plushie in his hands which he was fidgeting with. There was a half empty bottle of beer on the nightstand next to Remus.

"Sorry, Ree. Patton convinced me to join him at the coffee shop after rehearsal." Virgil gave the man on his bed a sheepish smile.

"It's drink night, Virgil. I stole my brother's booze and you had the audacity to be late!" Remus was being dramatic, though Virgil didn't doubt he had stolen the booze. Remus gave Virgil a gentle smile. "I'm glad you're safe."

Virgil flashed his roommate a grin.

Remus was always worried about Virgil. Always motherhenning him when he got back later than usual and planning 'drink nights' when he noticed Virgil was particularly stressed. Remus was corrupted far beyond normal for sure, but he was a natural care bear and Virgil appreciated him for that.

Remus offered Virgil a beer and Virgil took it, popping the cap, dropping his backpack and looking at himself in the small mirror he kept on his desk. He had long forgotten what he had told Patton about texting him when he got home. He studied himself in the mirror and then looked to Remus, "I think it's about time we dye my hair, I'm getting sick of the brown."

Remus smiled and nodded, thinking for a short moment. "How do you feel about the color purple?"

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