Gender Swap

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Hey guys! I wanted to say thank your for 101 followers! And for 15k I am surprised I am getting this far so quickly! I also wanted to thank everyone in discord for this chapter idea. I wanted another pause before some things go down so this helps a lot!
Sabre's point of view
I can't do this. I can't be like this. I told myself a long time ago I would not fall in love. If I did it would only hurt. Eventually I will have to leave them and if I saw them again without any memories of me.... I wouldn't be able to handle that. Also how?! A Steve in love with a code jumper?! With me.... Maybe after a while he will realize this won't work. Maybe the feeling will go away.
"Hey guys! We have a problem!" I suddenly heard Rainbow Steve say from the distance. I quickly went up to him. I started to hear lighting. Is Galaxy Steve creating another black hole? We can not deal with that right now. I soon saw them coming out of the forest. Rainbow was having a hard time keeping Galaxy Steve up.
"What's wrong?" I ran up to them and helped support him.
"His energy is out of control!"
"I...I'm trying to control it."
"Are you going to make another black hole?"
"No, I just can't control...." more lighting some of it hitting me as I staggered back in pain. Then went back to supporting him.
"Sorry Sabre."
"It's okay. We need to get your energy back. Using it like this isn't going to help."
"I know. I know."
"Galaxy Steve!" I saw The Overseer and Alex come over.
"Back up. Their is a lot of lighting."
"You should be backing up. We can take lighting you can't." I hear Alex say and she took Galaxy Steve so I wouldn't get hit as badly. I backed up from the lighting.
"What do we need to do?"
"I don't know. Right now all I can do is...." Their was suddenly a lot of lighting as my vision went white thunder roaring in my ears.
My vision went back to normal..... I looked to see Galaxy Steve was out cold. He..... Wait.... She? Yeah she was limp until Alex and Rainbow Steve's arms. Galaxy had very long hair galaxy themed and looked a lot more feminine. Rainbow Steve had long hair too. Just not as long and Galaxy Steves. His hair went from a gradient of red to a light green. Alex well sh...he had short hair that looked like he recently had it cut.
"Um..." My voice was at a different pitch and sounded a lot different.  I looked at myself and saw I was also female. My hair was at a medium length that felt very thick.
"What happened to us?" I took me a second to realize that it was The Overseer taking to us. she had more of a pixie cut hair style and his blue colored seems a little lighter.
"I think Galaxy Steve swapped our genders...."
"Wow! I didn't know he can do that."
"It's she now."
"Oh right...." Rainbow Steve in disappointment. I can't tell if she is mad right now. She probably is.
"So this is what it feels like." Alex said as he looked at himself.
"Galaxy Steve?" I went up to him to see if he would wake up. Nothing.
"So. HOWAREWEGOINGTOFIXTHIS?!" Rainbow Steve said not surprised that she was finally mad out of her shock.
"I think we have to wait until Galaxy Steve gets her energy back."
"How are able to get his....her energy back?"
"No idea." We heard footsteps coming our way. Time Steve, Elemental Steve and... The Guardian? What is he doing here. The looked at us in shock.
"I don't know if I should laugh or not." Elemental Steve said honestly.
"Don't you dare!" Rainbow Steve said.
"You do look pretty though."
"Sorry, I was dealing with something in the spirit world. I was about to tell you what happened when... what happened?"
"Sabre killed herself. Galaxy Steve brought her back to life and she lost control of her abilities."
"Sabre you did what?"
"I'll explain later. Right now.... is their any way to get her to wake up?"
"No, we will just have to wait. Until then...."
"You looks really nice Sabre..... not that any of you guys don't."
"Thanks Time Steve.... but not the time..."
"Did you just." Looks like I did.
"I swear I didn't mean to make Time Steve into a pun."
"How have we not done that yet."
"No idea. Looks like we will regret that soon."
"I mean. If I had more time I could make some more puns."
"Sabre no!"
"Come on. I am just trying to pass the time."
"I appreciate what your trying to do, but still no."
"Come on just one more time?"
"Fine I'll have more time to do this later." I got a few chuckles from all of them. Mainly form the Overseer and Alex.
"Can we just do something else I don't want waste any more time...."
"I'm rubbing off on Rainbow Steve."
"Sabre! Galaxy Steve changed my voice already she is not going to change my gender."
"I think being a girl suits you. I think being a boy suits Alex. Just no one else." The Guardian added time the conversation.
"So what happened?"
"Something they everyone should hear. I think we should fix this first though."
"Alright." Time Steve walked up to me and out his hand through my hair. I felt myself freeze up. Time Steve noticed and stoped.
"Sorry. I just wanted to."
"It's okay it actually felt.... felt like something I would do."
"Yes! The ship is sailing." Rainbow Steve said my mind don't know if I should kill him or freeze up again.
"Ship?" The Guardian and Overseer said at the same time. Alex looked at me and grinned.
"You don't know... okay a ship is...."
"Don't you dare tell them. It's not happening it's not."
"I think it already is."
"S...ship?" Wait... Galaxy?
"Galaxy Steve?" She was awake and looked around.
"Its it sailing?"
"Sort of..."
"You wake up at a ship?!" Rainbow Steve said a bit annoyed.
"Oh crap.... what did I do?"
"You gender bend almost all of us and yourself."
"Oh... sorry?"
"Can you fix it please?!"
"Of course I can fix it."
"Thank god. I don't want to be like this forever."
"I am still confused what is a ship?"
"Don't worry I will tell you. Let me just fix this alright?" Their was suddenly a lot of lighting and once it stoped we were all back to normal.
"For once you fixed me."
"Yeah... still sorry about your voice."
"Can you fix it?"
"No it's been to long. I wouldn't be able to."
"Let's just be happy that all of this was fixed... but how did you have enough energy to..."
"Oh. Sleeping recovers me energy a lot faster."
"Okay. You still okay?"
"Yup! I feel a lot better."
"Good, now we have some matters to deal with."
(Words 1198)

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