Back Together

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I am so sorry for not uploading yesterday. I got very busy and I wasn't able to write anything. So this chapter well, I hope you like it anyway sorry if it feels rush at all.
Rainbow Steve's Point of view
I felt a tight grip on my arm as Light Steve wrapper a bandage around it. We stayed here for the night getting some basic supplies. So far it doesn't look like we can use our powers. Well at least Elemental Steve and Light Steve can't.
"It's nothing Rainbow Steve." Light Steve gave me a bright smile. Elemental Steve was looking around the area.
"What do we do next? Fine someone around here?"
"I do not think anyone is around here. I mean we can try, but I don't feel anyone else's energy, but our own." I couldn't feel anyone's energy either.
"So then where do we go?" Light Steve asked knowing we shouldn't stay here in case Demon Steve finds us.
"We could follow the river. It might leads us somewhere and if we get lost we can get back here." We all nodded with agreement.
"Well then let's get going." We went to the River going the opposite way the river's current was flowing. I can't help, but be happy that we are back here. I know Elemental Steve wanted to come back to say he was sorry to Time Steve. If he is still here. I haven't seen him in the middle world if he wasn't here. I just wanted to be back with everyone again. Sabre, Galaxy Steve even though he changed my voice and the fights we had. We are still good friends. Light Steve... He told me the Spirit world is his home. I don't know if he is too excited about being back. I suddenly felt a lot of different Steve's energy. Most of them were unfamiliar, but I could recognize Galaxy Steve's energy.
"You guys feel that right?"
"Do you not see it?" Elemental Steve points to a direction I haven't looked at yet to see the Steve Village. I got to see it when I checked on Sabre.
"Is this it? The Steve Village you told me about?" Light Steve asked me.
"Yes, this is it. That means, everyone is here!" I couldn't control my excitement. I started to run to the village. Light Steve and Elemental Steve behind me.
"Rainbow Steve! Slow down!" Light Steve called back to me. I stopped and waited for them to catch up.
"How do you run so fast?" Elemental Steve asked me.
"I am a mix of all the Steves. I guess I get that from Yellow Steve." I kind of joked. We are very close to the village. Before I could take another step forward I saw two familiar faces. Time Steve and Galaxy Steve. They must of felt our energy. Their was a very long pause. None of us knew what to say to each other.
"R...Rain.. Rainbow Steve?" Galaxy Steve the first to speak. Time Steve didn't even move.
"Galaxy Steve!" We ran up to each other and we both hugged each other.
"I thought you were...." I hugged him back a little tighter.
"I'm back now." We stopped hugging and looked at Elemental Steve and Time Steve. I wonder what's going to happen.
"Time Steve... Brother... I know you are probably mad at me. I wanted to tell you I am sorry, I would take back everything I said to you. All the times we fought I would let you win. I know you probably can't forgive me for what I did-" Time Steve walked up to Elemental Steve. Once he was a block away from him he gave him a hug.
"I missed you to Brother. I am not mad at you. I just wanted you back." Elemental Steve shocked a little took a few seconds to hug him back.
"Wait... if your here... Oh my God SABRE!" Galaxy Steve grabbed me by the arm and started pulling me through the village. Soon we reached a house. He kept repeating his name over and over at the top of his lung. I wanted to plug my ears from how loud he was.
"Sabre!" Galaxy Steve called up to him, probably very excited to see how he would react to see me. The door opened and their he was... Sabre... My first friend after my memory was erased. The person I spent years of my life with. Sabre didn't even say anything he just looked at me. He out a hands over his mouth. If he was holding something he would of dropped it. Without even thinking I ran up to him and gave him the biggest hug I could. He slowly hugged back still not saying anything.
"Sabre... I can't believe that I get to see you again." He still didn't say anything. Still in shock.
"Sabre please talk to me." I was getting really worried now. He suddenly started shaking.
" really is you..." I realized that he was crying. Sabre has never cried before... at least from what I have seen. This is scaring me a bit.
"Please Sabre don't cry. Please don't. I didn't mean to make you sad I didn't mean to leave you."
"I thought you were gone forever... I still keep thinking about that day... What I could of done to stop it... How I could of saved you... How I could of done something different so you didn't have too..." he said in between shaky breaths. Out of everything he could of reacted to. This was the last way I had in mind. I hugged him tighter and he did the same. I started crying too.
"I won't do that again. I promise really. I don't want to do that again." Suddenly two people opened the door. One of them was a Blue Steve the other was Alex.
"Sabre is everything..... Oh my god...." Alex said looking at me and Sabre. I gave her a smile.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't be crying. I should be happy or mad not this..." I heard footsteps from behind me. I turns my head to see Time Steve. I looked at Time Steve and gave him smug look. I know how he feels with Sabre. Even if he doesn't know what it is. Time Steve joined our hug.
"I'm just happy your back." He looked at me. I could see a few tears going down his face. That must be hard with his blindfold.
"We are happy to be back too."
(Words 1101) 😊

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