Old Friends

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Hey guys! Some of you suggested this. I already had this in mind. I just had it planned differently so don't get mad. I just feel like this is better. Now to next chapter!
Sabre's Point of view
We got inside. I quickly closed the hatch once they were inside.
"Are you guys okay? Did they hurt you?"
"No, we he just lead us down there."
"Don't fully trust people here... they aren't the greatest."
"Okay.... Can I ask some questions?" Elementals Steve asked me.
"I said I would explain. So what do you need to know." Time was looking around at all the weapons I had. I took out come bandages and started to wrap my hand.
"How do you know this place?"
"This is where I used to live Deirdre."
"So this is where you were before you found us?"
"Yeah, my hometown."
"What's this place."
"We used it as a base. Shadow showed it to me a long time ago."
"Shadow Steve?"
"No, I had a... guardian he kept care of me for a long time. I never really got his name. I just called him Shadow."
"So, did you kill them?"
"The Guards? No, I just knocked them out."
"Why did they capture us?" Time Steve asked.
"In this world. Your a myth... a legend. Your know for your well... your abilities. Everyone wants to learn more about you..."
"That doesn't answer..."
"By doing experiments on you." A long pause
"Also, why are you wearing a cloak?"
"I....In t...this world... people...." My voice glitched out to a point I couldn't understand. I covered my mouth to stop myself from talking.
"Sabre!" He ran over to me making sure I was okay.
"I...I'm okay Time Steve."
"Can I also ask about that? Don't think we haven't noticed. We all have. We just don't say anything."
"That's f...for a...an...a another time."
"Alright." Time Steve suddenly pulled out a pistol. The piston pointing at me. I put my hands up into the air.
"What are you doing?" Elemental Steve asked me.
"Time Steve... put the pistol down please."
"So thats what this is...."
"Put it done before you pull the trigger and kill me."
"A pistol is like a bow and arrow. Expect stronger, faster, and more deadly. One shot in the right place and kill someone instantly." Time Steve looked carefully at the pistol and out it away. I lowered my hands down.
"It's okay, w...we j...just need t...o get out of here as quickly as p...possible."
"Galaxy Steve said he would be able to bring us back within a day."
"That time did you get here at?"
"No idea. Their was a storm. I think it was late at night though."
"Okay, so we have a while. Why did you use your powers to escape?"
"We can't use them. We don't seem to have any abilities here."
"Okay. I have no idea what we are going....to..." I heard footsteps from above us. Someone is coming down.
"Someone's coming. Come over here." I pulled a lever into the secret room inside here. We went inside and I closed the wall.
"Don't say anything." I whispered to them. They nodded understanding. I heard people climb down the ladder.
"I can't believe we are back down here." I felt my body freeze up. Collen... It's Collen.
"I thought we agreed to never come back down here." Jet...
"The guards needed more supplies. We never really emptied this place out." Spency... I felt myself go light headed dizzy from the shock. I felt myself lose my balance. Time Steve grabbed me and helped me sit down. They wanted to say something. I know they won't.
"Everything is how we left it before...." Jet said.
"Yeah..... I can believe tomorrow is it. Tomorrow it fours years since...." Collen voice trailed out. I couldn't hear the last part.
"The map of the plan is still here too." I felt myself glitch back and forth from my assassin's creed skin and my normal one. I was in to much shock to do anything, but sit their.
"Why did Sabre have to do that?" I could feel Elemental Steve turn his head at that. I could hear the sound of metal moving... banging against each other.
"If he didn't we would still be under the Templar's rule."
"I don't care. I don't care if they were still in power."
"He did this because he wanted to do. He knew that if he didn't something bad would happen to us..."
"HE DIDN'T HAVE TO DIE FOR US!" I heard Spency scream loudly. He hit his fist probably against the table making a loud sound. Elemental Steve looked at me. He mouth something to me. I shook me head.
"H....he didn't...." I heard the quick sound of footsteps the came to a stop.
"I know.... we know...." Collen said trying to comfort Spency. Everyone was still acting like themselves. Jet I know is probably still dealing with this. He just isn't showing it.
"If we only got their in time. If we knew what he was doing." Jet said.
"You know if we went in their we would of been dead. You saw his body." Wait. They found my body? How did it no burn to ashes after the building collapse.
"Going down here was a mistake. We should of just got someone else to come down here. I didn't come back here to talk about this." I stood up. Out of the shock. I stoped glitching. I put my hand to the wall that separated us. I want to go... I want to do baldy.... they just can't know. It would only make this harder.
"We are the only ones who know about this place. It's for the better."
"I feel like we should talk about this. I know it doesn't feel right but...."Their was a pause of silence.
"This gun wasn't here last time." Crap. I put my hand off the wall. I pulled out my sword and forced Time Steve and Elemental Steve to get behind me. I was ready to attack. The won't recognize me as long as I keep my head down and don't say a word.
"Someone is here. They might still be here."
"How though? We are the only people alive who know about this place."
"No idea. They might be in the room." No no no. Don't open the door.
"Just check." I heard the walls move as I saw the familiar faces of people in front of me looked at us. I kept my head low.
"The Steves are here?"
"How do you know about this place?"
"We found it by accident. We were trying to find a place to hide." Time Steve thankfully knew what's going on and was able to cover for me.
"It's him the one in the brown cloak. He got passed the guards and knocked the out. What's your name?" I didn't say anything.
"Look, we don't know how you know about this place, or why your here. We need them back. You know what they are right?" I gave them a small nod.
"You want them for your own. Everyone does. We just need you to let them go so they can come with us." I raised my sword. They raised their own weapons.
"We are trained assassins don't think we can't kill you." I know that already. Even I can't go against all three of them. I looked at Time Steve and Elemental Steve. We have to run for it. I already know what I have to do. Let's see if I can.
(Blood and gore warning)
"Run, we can't fight them off meet me at the harbor." I felt a stinging pain in my eyes as my code broke more. They start running and climb the ladder. Collen pulled out a gun ready to shoot them. I quickly got in front of Collen so when she short the bullet it went straight through my shoulder. I screamed in pain as I staggered back. I clutched my shoulder in pain feeling the blood run through my hand. Time Steve and Elemental Steve are already gone. Spency was about to go up the ladder. I blocked him from going up.
"Your letting them get away! Don't you want  them for your own?" Jet questioned me. I shook my head. They looked at me questionably. I looked at my hand to see how much blood I was losing. My hand was drenched in blood. I was losing a lot of blood... Too much blood.. to quickly. I could already feel myself going light headed from the blood loss.
"You just want them to go? You don't want any one messing with them?"
I nodded. I kept my head down.
"What do you know about them?" I can't answer that. I need to get out of here. I started to climb the ladder. I quickly got up and started running toward the harbor. I ran into a few people. I know running isn't helping my wound, but I don't have much of a choice. I heard a gun shot a bullet move right past me. They were trying to slow me down. Before going to the harbor I had to lose them. I made random turns and twist in the town. Keeping in mind to were I was. I could hear their footsteps and their screaming telling me to to stop started to die down. I lost them. My vision started to go blurry. I looked down at my arm. I could see that a lot of blood was running down my arm and chest. I walked slower as I found my way back to the harbor. I was about to go through the exit when I felt something grab me. I was slammed against the wall. I gasp in pain as my shoulder hit the wall. Spency was waiting here for me. I can't hurt him. He is my friend. I kept my head down as my vision started to turn black. He put a sword to my neck. Thankfully my hood was over most of my face so he couldn't see it was me, but I couldn't see anything.
"Who are you!?" He screamed angrily at me. I could feel the cold blade against my throat. It didn't pierce me, but it was close. I still didn't say anything. He can't know... I suddenly heard a loud sound. It turned into a loud ringing as I felt myself fall to the ground hitting me head Someone pulled my hood back. My vision was blurry and blacked out that I couldn't see anything before I passed out a muffled worried and confused voice ran through my mind.
(Please read)
Okay. Thank you if your reading this you get a gold star ⭐️
Do you want Sabre friends to know he is alive?
No maybe. No combination just yes or no got it?
Thank you.
(Words 1856)

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