The Problem Above

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Rainbow Steve's point of view
I let the moment disappear. This explains a lot. The Guardian won't be back for a while, now with Demon Steve probably having the only powers up here it might cause problems for us.

I stood up a dizziness went through me. I felt my lungs squeeze on me. I waited for this moment to go away again. It's been happening for a while now. I don't know if anyone else has felt like this. It's probably just me or probably its from the fact that the Guardian is injured.

I walked back to find my friends again. The worries of what's going on up here and what's going on down their filled my mind. Like a heavy weight on my shoulders.

I need to tell everyone about this, I don't even think they know that the Guardian isn't here. In the distance I heard a voice, I couldn't figure out what it was saying but it was their. Taking a guess I walked into the direction it sounded like it was coming from.

"Guardian!" I heard a voice call out. Someone also knows he isn't here. The voice kept calling out his name. I picked up my pace as the voice got louder.

Soon I could see who was asking for the Guardian. Elemental Steve. I don't see him around very often, but from what I've seen from him he really is good now. Like in the end he said he would.

"Elemental Steve!" I called out to him he saw me then ran up to me.

"Do you know where the Guardian is?" He asked me. He looked very nervous.

"Yes... I went to check to see how Sabre was doing and... the Guardian was their."

"Even then the Guardian comes here when someone asks. What else did you see?"

"He was badly hurt Elemental Steve, he... he... I didn't see how but, he was covered in bandages and he just didn't look to good." Elemental looked at me with a worried look.

"I don't think he can come back until he gets better."

"That's okay, at least he isn't dead right?"

"Yeah, at least he isn't."

"How is Sabre anyway?"

"Sabre... No idea, he seems fine, but at the same time there is something off about him. So what was the problem? Maybe I can help?"

"It is hard to explain. It has been happing to me for a while now. I Suddenly get light headed.. it gets hard to breath.. then I'm okay again... I was going to ask the Guardian about it, but..."

"You too?"

"Wait... you are having the same thing?"

"Yeah, it happened a few..."

"Minutes ago..." We said at the same time.

"Okay... this is weird, this is very weird. Why is this happening? Why is this happing when the Guardian is not here?" My mind ran with questions.

"Rainbow Steve you need to calm down. Everything is going to be okay."

"Your right... your right... did you talk about this to anyone else?"

"No, I was going to talk about this to the Guardian." Well that can't happen if...

"Rainbow Steve! There you are everyone is wondering where you've been." I heard the familiar voice of Light Steve who technically my brother.

"Sorry, I was talking to Elemental Steve for a bit. "

"Okay, it's just I've been getting worried you've been going off on your own lately. Is something wrong?" I can't tell him what I told Elemental Steve, he may act like the older brother, but he really had the heart of a younger one.

"N...nothing we kind of just crossed paths."

"What's going on Rainbow Steve, Your hiding something from me." Well he knows I've never been a good liar.

"The Guardian is stuck in middle world." The spirit world also know as the upper world. Middle world where everyone who is alive is and The lower world where Demon Steve and any evil Steves go to after they die.

"Why? Is something wrong?" In his voice I can hear his worry and fear.

"He was badly injured. From what Rainbow Steve saw it isn't good."

"He's okay..... well as okay as he can be right now, he will come back soon." I reassured him.

"Okay, at least I can talk to him later."

"What did you need to talk about?"

"I don't know, I just suddenly feel dizzy and..."

"Us too!" We said at the same time.

"What the? Does that mean you guys know what's going on?"

"No, we just figure out we aren't the only ones going through this. Whatever it is it has to be important."

"What are we going to do about Demon Steve?"

"I don't know, we just need to protect this world at least until he can get back."

"How are we going to do that?"

"No idea..."
(Words 850) Sorry shorter chapter today. It just got so busy so fast. I wanted to give you a chapters out has to be shorter than usually. I hope you guys like this special view of the chapter.

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